Friday, August 12, 2011

Laura Govan Explains It All

Laura Govan, last known to Rhymes with Snitch as the one who stole everything out of Gilbert Arenas' house after he abandoned her and their kids around Christmas time [click here if you missed that], is part of the new cast of 'Basketball Wives LA' and she clears up the whole, 'did you sleep with Shaquille O'Neal question' that was brought up by her sister Gloria on the orginal Basketball Wives Miami [click here if you missed that]. Laura also, as eloquently as she can, explains the relationship between her and Gilbert...

Loop 21: Why did you decide to join Basketball Wives LA?

Laura Govan
: For me, it was clearing up exactly what was said about me previously on the first season of Basketball Wives Miami. And also...I wanted to be the voice of myself, not someone else.

You talked about clearing things up, and a lot has been said about your relationship with Gilbert Arenas and Shaunie O’Neal. What would you like to clear up about those situations?

For me, I’m not here to clear up sh*t. If I haven’t done anything, I have nothing to clear up. I want people to understand the dynamic of what I actually went through. I’ve never been in the media. It’s always been someone else has the upper hand on that. This was my time to set the record straight on my relationship with Gilbert, my relationship with the Shaunie/Shaquille stuff. It’s been three years. We still talking about that dumb sh-t? And he’s moved on and has 100-past relationships, plus he has a solid girlfriend now. Get your life together! Get the hell out of here!

And because a lot of fans want to know...did you sleep with Shaq?

Hell no! Have you seen his feet? How you gon’ sleep with somebody who has feet like that? Like, I’ve seen him in his sandals. I love Shaquille to death but I would never get down with Shaquille. I know him that’s why it’s hard for me... I think it’s funny. I can never say no with a straight face because that’s absolutely hilarious. And it’s funny because I feel like when I’ve seen him or been around him, we just have a good time. We’re like brother and sister. And if you don’t pick up on that dynamic then...

I just think that Shaunie [O'Neal] had her own agenda and did things for the show. And it is what it is. But at this point, three years later, I don’t want to talk about him. Talk about somebody else. Talk about somebody I actually like.

Well yes, is there anyone in your life that you’re dating?

Not yet. Not yet. It might be Gilbert girl, who knows now? I’m not sure...I mean, I do still like the nigga. ...We’re doing good though. He and I are in a good space right now.

Were you concerned about still being on the show after Gilbert filed a motion to stop the show?

Hell naw! I don’t think about nothing until something happens. Since he just filed the motion, that doesn’t mean that it’s happened. Do I think it’s still going to air? Of course I do. Do I think I’m still going to get to say what I want to say? Of course I will. He’s not going to stop that. I just think that at this time I’m just focusing on now--this is my life. So it’s my time; not his time. He had his time. He’s doing his time. You know what I mean?

Read the entire interview at Loop 21