Friday, August 12, 2011

Johnny Gill Sued Over Twitter Tantrum

Remember last month when Johnny Gill went off on his record label for releasing a song he didn't approve of [click here if you missed that]? Yeah well Johnny's going to have to pay for that...

Ira DeWitt, producer and CEO of Notifi Records and the target of Johnny's anger after one of his songs was leaked, is suing Johnny for trashing her on Twitter.

From TMZ
According to the lawsuit, filed Thursday in L.A. County Superior Court, DeWitt claims she had nothing to do with the leak -- but Gill attacked her on Twitter anyway ... calling her "deranged" and "f**kng nuts."

DeWitt also claims Gill tweeted defamatory statements about her business ... saying her record company is a sham and that she only liked the leaked recording because she had a "hard on" for one of the song's producers.

DeWitt claims Gill has damaged her reputation -- so she's suing for unspecified damages ... AND she wants the judge to force Gill to stop trashing her on Twitter.