Friday, July 15, 2011

Mathew and Beyonce Haven't Spoke Since She Fired Him

In a recent interview Mathew Knowles talks about his lawsuit against Beyonce, admits they haven't spoke since she fired him and throws a little shade on Roc Nation ...

From Google News
"The relationship with Beyonce is extremely amicable. I want to make that clear. Where there's concern is the people that she's doing business with," he said.

"I'm challenging all of these folks on integrity, professional integrity."

Knowles said he does not believe the allegations that he stole money from her are the reason why he was fired, and said his daughter completely cleaned house: "She changed almost every aspect of her business."

But he painted a picture of a concerted effort to oust him from the helm of her career.

"The team ironically appeared to be a cross-pollination of Beyonce's team, Roc Nation's team, and Live Nation's team, who ironically have the most to gain," he said.

When asked if there was a deliberate plan to take him out of the equation, he said: "I'll let people come to their own conclusion."

Knowles said he has not spoken to his daughter specifically about the allegations, but at one point told her: "The only way we will be able to understand this is through a court of law. That's the only way either one of us will be clear if someone in our camps did something that was not correct."

While Knowles had only positive things to say about his daughter, he acknowledged when asked that they have not spoken since she let him go.

"We have not had that conversation," he said.