Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gary Coleman Still Not Buried

Nearly a year after his death Gary Coleman still not laid to rest..

From Star Pulse
Actor Gary Coleman's former manager Vic Perillo has sensationally revealed his late client's remains have still yet to be buried or cremated as the first anniversary of the star's death looms.

Coleman died on 28 May, 2010, and, according to Perillo, his burial plans are still on hold because of a legal wrangle between his parents and his estranged wife.

In an essay obtained by WENN, in which Perillo urges the news networks who covered all the negatives of Coleman's life after he passed away to pay tribute to the former child star, he writes, "This was not the proper and dignified manner to show respect for the magnificent talent the world TV and film audience knew in Gary Coleman. This was not the send off he deserved."

"On this, the first anniversary of his death, I have contacted the three major networks, asking them to honor Gary, his eight years on Diff'rent Strokes, his seven movies of the week, his work as a spokesman with the National Kidney foundation and the many charitable endeavors he gave of his time and effort to.

"The answer from the networks were, 'Not interested,' 'We don't have any time' and 'We pass...' To praise his work, talent and his person is of little interest to them. And yet, should his ex-wife, Shannon Price, or (Diff'rent Strokes co-star) Todd Bridges make a statement condemning his parents, they are given Carte Blanch time in the press. Have we lost our theatrical moral conscience?"