Wednesday, April 20, 2011

They Are Trying to Kill Madea

Tyler Perry posted a blog on his website titled "They Are Trying to Kill Madea" about the negativity people heap on his films.

Tyler writes
You know I don't dwell in negativity. I try and stay above it, but I wanted to say this to you. You and I both know that there are folks out there that work overtime trying to keep people from seeing my movies. Even though I don't say anything, it doesn't mean that I'm not aware of it. They say all kinds of things about the films, Madea and me. They call me everything, but a child of God. I even had someone tell me in a press conference that I don't have a "white" following. We all know that is not true. Had they been on tour with me they would know White folks, Black folks, Asian folks, Latin folks, Navajo folks, and everyone in between was there laughing side-by-side having a good time.

It's crazy the things people print without any facts. What is also interesting is how hard they work to try and discourage you from going to see my films, as if you don't know what you enjoy. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about!

But it's okay, you know why? Because I know that they don't get it! They don't get the spiritual side of this, they don't get the folks that not only laugh, but also get something out of it that they can use to make their lives better. They don't get that this is about more than making a movie and telling a funny story. They don't get that it's about uplifting and encouraging the soul. They don't get that most of you have been with me long before they knew who I was, and they don't get that you have my back. And to tell you the truth, it doesn't matter if they get it or not, as long as you do. I thank God for you every day. You know what you enjoy, you know what makes you laugh and gives you a bit of uplift after you've seen it.

So come laugh with me this weekend with Madea.

MADEA'S BIG HAPPY FAMILY opens in theaters this Friday. You know how important the first weekend is, so I sure hope you are planning to go out and see it. I promise you, MADEA'S BIG HAPPY FAMILY is funnier than them all. You will laugh ‘till you hurt, so take some aspirin to the movies with you.

THIS LINE IS FROM MADEA (say it in your best Madea voice)
"All y'all that squirt a lil pee when you laugh, be careful!" ...LOL

I'll be on the message board all weekend waiting to hear from you.


WEDNESDAY, April 20th, from 1:30 until 2:00pm Eastern, I will be taking your questions live at this link . I want to talk about HOUSE OF PAYNE and Madea. Who knows, she may even take your questions. See you live Wednesday!
