Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gloria James Banished to Ohio

They say LeBron James packed his mom up and shipped her back to Ohio...

And by they I mean Terez Owens
Gloria James has been a thorn in her son’s side for over a year…She caused problems for LeBron back in Cleveland and once again has shamed her son by getting arrested last week for battery…LeBron has done what most parents would do to their child..Instead of sending Gloria to her room without supper, LeBron has sent her back to Ohio…My source close to LeBron tells me James has given his mother a stern warning and sent her back to Ohio for the foreseeable future..”LeBron and his team both agreed it would be best if Gloria wasn’t around during playoff time, especially after last year’s debacle. LeBron has told her she could come back once the playoffs are over” said my Miami source.