Sunday, November 07, 2010

OJ is Suicidal

Ever since his appeal was denied OJ has given up hope.

From The National Enquirer
"I've got nothing left to live for now...I'm going to kill myself!"

Those were the desperate words of imprisoned O.J. Simpson after the Nevada Supreme Court refused to overturn his armed-robbery and kidnapping convictions and grant him a new trial.

What's more, the two sports memorabilia collectors he robbed, Bruce Fromong and Alfred Beardsley - as well as his ex-agent Mike Gilbert - all fear that O.J. might try to take them out as a final act of vengeance!

"They believe that he's going to try to have them murdered - and then kill himself," divulged a close source. "After the ruling came down, they were nervously calling one another and talking about going into hiding!"

According to the source, Gilbert is concerned that O.J might use his $20,000-per-month pension to pay for a hit.

"He's convinced prison bars won't keep O.J. from striking out at him," said the source.

The disgraced former football star, 63, is now serving a 33-year sentence at Lovelock Correctional Center for his 2007 Las Vegas hotel-room heist.

He's eligible for parole after nine years, but the source tells The ENQUIRER: "O.J. now believes they'll never let him out. He said, 'I'm going to die in jail.'"

As The ENQUIRER reported previously that on Oct. 22, the same court ordered a new trial for his co-defendant, Clarence Stewart which pushed OJ to the brink.

""He is deeply depressed and at the end of his rope."