Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kelly Rowland Caught Up

Damn, Damn, Damn. The IRS is after your favorite Destiny's Child.

Around this time of year you start to hear a lot about celebrities who owe back taxes and Kelly Rowland, it's your turn. According to records, Kelly Rowland was just slapped with more than $98,000 in delinquent federal tax liens.


P_CHi said...

Ch... I'm always rooting for the under dog but c'mon Kelandria! Poor thang. Time to get to work! I suggest she does a tour around Europe - they love her shit over there.

TruthBeTold said...

LOL ! Dumbass! DOnt you know you have to pay taxes!

Anonymous said...

*insert Bills Bills Bills joke here*

Anonymous said...

Beyonce probably called the IRS on her ass for not promoting that Thanksgiving special hard enough.

Anonymous said...

I want to see more proof the Knowles might be still throwing shade toward Kelly because she moved on. I am not falling for the bull.

Anonymous said...

Oh well. She might ask daddy Knowles to bail her ass out.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that this is a fraction of what she pulls in, so this sounds like poor accounting rather than willful deception.

The Real Fedup said...

SMH so this is the results Kelly. All those years of sweat, tears, lies, and cheerleading your ass for Beyonce. You couldn't scrap the leftover pennies they left for you to pay your dam bills! This is what she gets to cheerlead for someone else besides herself and not looking into her own shit.

That's a dam shame Kelly. You are one step away from the food bank and living in the poor house if you don't pay uncle sam.
Well ask Latavia if you can have a sip of her vodka bottle, while you in pain scrapping to pay IRS. DAM IT BOTH OF YOU GUYS WRITE A DAM BOOK! That shit will pay your bills Kelly!

Anonymous said...

$98K ain't shit to Kelly....ya'll are buggin' ! When you are working on as many projects as Kelly and you RICH for real it's easy to miss. She's not going to H&R block! Stupid Simpletons...hahaha

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with H&R Block??

this is what's wrong with "fans" and even more toxic "STANS" they really start to live vicariously through their favorite artists. newsflash, kelly may be rich but you aint.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to believe that Kelly's career is Beyonce's sacrifice.

Every time Kelly starts to get a little shine, BOOM! something comes up that shoots her right back to square one.

This latest IRS problem, and Kelly's thanksgiving shout-out to Beyonce is too much of a red flag.

They are trying to keep Kelly in her place.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, you need to take care of this ASAP, so that you can take care of your other business. Don't let this be another reason or excuse for holding you back.

Anonymous said...

well shit, she is a resident of the u.k. so why does she need to pay taxes here, when most of her time is spent in european discos singing to rotten tooth english fags or old english men whos fantasy is to abuse and ridicule non-celebrity singers such as kelandria "smelly_kelly" rowland.

DOSbrand said...

The poor girl should just leave from that satanic industry.

Any true believer of Christ should not even be trying to hang around in that industry.

If any so-called celeb say that they are followers of Christ, they are LIARS!

There is no fellowship between Light and Dark.

Anonymous said...

maybe she can get a job wiping beyonces ass, or drying the sweat off of beyonce in between wardrobe changes.

Anonymous said...

This what happens when Kelly wont wash Nixon's shiddy daipers.
when this child ever gonna learn ?? SMH
Her momma was the maid and the maids daughter appears karma destiny fullfilled.

Anonymous said...

So this is why she was promoting Bey's Thanksgiving Special (Ed). Bitch is broke. Times are hard huh Kels? But you can bet Bey IS NOT dipping into her wig coffers for your ass.

Anonymous said...

Girl all them ballers you had smash and dash it ain't leave much on the nightstand huh? Instead of plugging beyonce shit, you should of been plugging your own shit, since you do need the money stat. Instead of shopping with the little cash you do pickup, SAVE it, invest it and above all PAY YOUR DAMN TAXES..stupid bitches, wanna live the fab life and behind close doors sleeping for rent money from industry ballers thats airing out there filty laundry. Silly Hoe!

Anonymous said...

Mathew...come get your daughter.

Anonymous said...

lol @ 4:53 4:57

Anonymous said...

Y'all are a trip so, it's beyonce's fault that Kelly ain't pay her taxes?.., y'all need to stop beyonce ain't responsible for this chicks life. If anything you Kelly stans are more to blame than beyonce, maybe if y'all would get off these blogs talking about all these conspiracy theories and actually went out and supported kelly and bought her last album that flopped oh so hard, maybe she would've had money to pay her taxes lol.

Hottestchickinthegame said...

LMAO @ 4:57

Anonymous said...

I guess she ain't as big over seas as we thought either that or this dumb bitch just flat out decided not to pay her taxes

Anonymous said...

Girl you better call up beyonce and see if you can get your old job back being her professional bag carrier. That's the only way I see you coming up with 98 grand.

Anonymous said...

Oh well say hi to Wesley Snipes for me girl.

Anonymous said...

LMBAO y'all ain't even right! Y'all are goin' in on this poor girl in her time of need. But I can't even lie yall got me over here in tears.

Anonymous said...

I guess she'll be on an episode of Alanta house wives next telling her sob story to Phadra like Latavia! Poor thang

Anonymous said...

So much for Kelly shouting out Beyonce when Bey don't give a two shits about her. Damn where yo girl at now Kelly huh? Where's Beyonce's shout out to you saying "girl imma help you out wit dis".. Kelly..... Girl Bye!

Anonymous said...

@ 7:02... *In my best Clay Davis voice*


Nobody's buying that garbage. Kelly better come with something better than that Commander bullshit in order for me to support her.

Quiana said...

mmmm that would make some sense to me I thought it was Michelle my self, see Kelly this is what you get for that shout out for Beyonce dumb bitch just would not learn that Beyonce don't give a shit about your ass. Hell even Michelle didn't do that shit that you are doing smh, I guess Kelly better start fucking for tracks and or write a fucking book and get the shit over and done with just like your career Kelly Beyonce doesn't need your help sweetie. I really hate that this girl is been played like a fucking violin shit.

Anonymous said...

i thought she was dating that rich white guy that owns the virgin islands records or something, she needs to ask him for the hook up.

Anonymous said...

Y'all sound silly. What do y'all mean everytime Kelly is on the come up something bad like this happens to her? When is kelly ever on the come up? Everytime she releases a single it goes nowhere not because of beyonce but because they suck! Her album keeps getting pushed back so far she might as well not even release it because let's honest who's gonna go out and spend their hard earned money on that garbage album. Ever since destiny's child broke up Kelly has never been on the come up. Let's face facts no one ever was and ever will be checking for Kelly. Hate to sound harsh but the truth hurts.

Bee Gee said...

Quiana - so true. She's a glutton for punishment.

I guess it wasn't enough that Papa Knowles exiled her ass to euroasia. He tax-snitched on her too. I wonder who will win the December 2010 RWS Tax-deliquent negro of the month..

Anonymous said...

this is what her stupid ass get. she promotes everything beyonce has out,everytime someone gives her some camera time or an interveiw shes talking about a beyonce project. beyonc dont give a fuck about you. now the irs after ur ass, thats good for her azz. michelle learned her lesson why cant kelly.

ALL typos are staying :)

Anonymous said...

Kelly has no talent. She should find another occupation because she is not star material and her time in the spotlight is up. Do people still pay money to see her perform? And I don't think she is Matthew Knowles daughter,neither is Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

I knew SOMEWHERE in here it was gonna be Beyonce's fault. Lol....dayum, I'm surprised ya'll ain't saying she told that boy to go blow up the Christmas event in Portland bc she wanted Thanksgiving to stay around a lil longer so we could continue to watch her dvd....

Is EVERYTHING that happens to Kelly, LeToya, Latavia, Michelle, Barack, Raz B, Chris, Weezy, Kanye, NYC, China, Bangladesh etc etc Bey's fault?

Give it a rest....the girl didn't pay her damn taxes, plain and simple, like Wesley, like other celebs AND everyday ppl....

Anonymous said...

Kelly ain't hurting for no damn money stop playing ,her accountant just hasn't sent the check in yet. Dummies

Anonymous said...

The older she gets the more she looks like her daddy.

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM, If this makes you feel any better: It's Bush's fault!

bogart4017 said...

That won't even be a distant memory come the new year. Peanuts.

Anonymous said...

OMG...some of y'all are TOOOOOOO funny...Help me baby Jesus...OMG, LOL, LMAO, LHH!!! :-)

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