Saturday, November 27, 2010

In Case You Missed It

Beyonce I Am...World Tour Thanksgiving Day Special


Anonymous said...

According to Hit Fix, here is the following:

10 p.m. -- A repeat of "The Mentalist" drew 7.585 million viewers and a 1.6 demo rating for CBS in the 10 p.m. hour. ABC's Beyonce special drew 4.44 million viewers and a 1.4 demo for second. Meanwhile, NBC's "The Apprentice" was third with 3.37 million viewers and a 0.9 demo rating."

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Beyaki but if she drew in 4.4million viewers possibly cause nothing else was on regular t.v. then I will give her, her props.

If it was on cable she would have had less viewers. Thank goodness the video won't play so once again I was sparred cause on Thanksgiving I was watching a football game and the Soultrain awards on BET.

Anonymous said...

It plays. you gotta click the red button then the green one.

Quiana said...

Didn't watch it at all, with all the hype she only drew in 4 million ppl wow this is a same that Beyonce is all hype.

Anonymous said...

This brainwashing of the masses is scarey. Robots tuning in to see another robot do the same thing like it's new and different from the other performances.

Anonymous said...

4 million viewers that's all?

does anyone know how many viewers MJ and taylor swift bought in?

Anonymous said...


For some reason it's a big white box, If the video is from WSHH then I know it won't show up, I am on a network and they blocked that site so if it's not a WSHH video then I don't know what the problem is...but I really don't care I ain't checking for her video

CocoluvsMJ said...

@ 11 02

Taylor drew in 4.13 million viewers I dont know how MJ did

Anonymous said...

MJ did way more better than Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

i get chills when i watch her.... virgo s stand up.. follow me at @uberfabmakeup on twitter... u could possibly neva,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

My damn momma is a contributor to Beyonce's ratings, and what really sucks is she was washing dishes and cleaning while it was on, she wasn't even watching and gave this trick ratings, but she did CLICK the channel when the Apprentice came on.... I said she CLICKED THE CHANNEL when something BETTER cam on, do the rating show how many people switched channels.

TruthBeTold said...

her music is just not good , and thats the bottom line
in the beginning HOW she gonna stand there in her ENERGIZER BUNNY Suit and act all tought to Jay!
BISH please! Get a clue!
nothing but women and queens in that audience!
the irony is that she is doing the exact same songs as she did on last years thanksgiving special ..side eye
they jusy HAD to include a snippet of her brushing her teeth , bish you supossed to brush for 2 minutes not 5 seconds

I could barely watch this shit but there were some good laughs in there the bish is a CLOWN!

I was just thinking if aliens landed on earth at the exact same time during a Beyonce concert they would be confused! Like why are all these poeple idolizing and observing someone DUMBER than them??? these ppl are clearly crazy!

OH NO SHE DIDNT! sing Etta James! Bish just NO!

I saw nothing but a FAME hungry overachieving bish...

Anonymous said...

Missed it... No loss to me.

The Real Fedup said...

Snitch I did not watch this! I told you I wanted to eat my turkey in peace dam it!

BESIDES SHE HAD LOW RATINGS FOR THIS....4 MILLION VIEWS. Low ratings for ABC! NIELSEN REPORT CAME IN. Fox won hands down. So all this hype for what exactly?

Charlie Brown and Homer Simpson beat her ass on Thanksgiving night.

All of the pointless promotion,countless interviews, and private screenings for her to only scrap 4 millions views to not even give ABC high ratings?

LMAO..... Beyonce everyone proved they are tired of your ass. ONLY 4 MILLION STANS WATCH THAT SHIT. This viewing was for her fans! No one else gived a shit to see it.

They way her camp was promoting this shit you would of thought she would of brought in 10 Million views. This is an epic fail for Beyonce because this was her first DIRECTOR cut film.

The Real Fedup said...

Typo. It suppose to be the way

The Real Fedup said...


NaijaBelle said...

I saw it. I was too full of Turkey to reach over and get the remote to change the channel. Serious side eye at the end when the credits rolled.
Starring: Beyonce Knowles
Written & Directed by: Beyonce Knowles
Produced by: Beyonce Knowles
Edited by: Beyonce Knowles
Photography by: yep you got it, Beyonce Knowles.


The Real Fedup said...


She should of also added:

P Poppin/Wagging Hair Routine: Beyonce Knowles
Voice Over: Beyonce Knowles
Wig Special Apperances: Beyonce Knowles
Creating the Earth in 7 Days so this tour can be possible: Beyonce Knowles

But in all seriousness the sad part of this was the credits in the end!

EVERYTHING WAS A PAT IN THE BACK TO HERSELF. She even had commerical for Heat in her private screening, if you guys have not seen it. She had pictures of herself plastered all over the movie theater.

The footage was poorly edited! She never gave no epic raw footage of herself Everything look so scripted and EDITED. If this documentary was suppose to be Beyonce showing us the "real" her, she fail on every level. She showed us a DAM CONCERT. That was a waste of time watching that mess. IT WAS NOTHING NEW. HER FANS COULD OF SAW ALL OF CONCERT ON YOU TUBE!


Anonymous said...

Nielsen ratings don't always reflect the ACTUAL number of people who watched, just a small subsection. Those ratings have been biased for years and it's the reason why we don't have good black sitcoms on TV. That said, 4.4 million reflects the number of albums she sells regularly, so all in all it's not that bad. I can't believe some of y'all are really this mad about a one-hour Thanksgiving special that you didn't even have to watch.

Anonymous said...

I was too drunk and full of food to watch anything so where can watch Mj's thanks giving special on the web?

Anonymous said...


Beyonce with her hyped up image should have done better in the ratings and you know it so stop making excuses for her.

Anonymous said...

@1:59 Calm down. First off, who watches TV on Thanksgiving PERIOD? Other than the football games? Anybody who had a Thanksgiving special that day was guaranteed to flop. Didn't Taylor Swift have the same numbers and she's pushing one million CDs in a week? All I said was the number of people who watched matches the number of people who buy her albums. Miss me with that "making excuses" ish, I'm just stating the facts.

The Real Fedup said...


Now the ratings are biased because it didn't show a lot of high views for Beyonce? GTFOH..... please don't tell me you stans are going to run with this!

As someone said...... "numbers don't lie, people do!"

Anonymous said...

@2:08 Please read my second comment, kthx.

And it seems like the haters take more time to comment than the stans...I'm just a casual observer stirring the pot. *sips tea*

The Real Fedup said...

@215 I see your stirring that pot alright. lol.

Anonymous said...

So more people watched a repeat of "The Mentalist" She ought to feel good about herself.

Anonymous said...

OMG Yall are sum muh fuggin HATERS?? for yall not to care u sure did take the time to watch and/or comment..4.4 million viewers on THANKSGIVING is not a flop..
Keep it cute haters!

S Hill said...

Fellow Virgo's unite. Team Beyonce... all day!!! I was so impressed with the special I actually went out and bought the DVD. True Icon in the making. Haters you have to admit; she stay on her grind.

CocoluvsMJ said...

Well Sarah Palin show had 5 million viewers, so I guess she is on her grind too

Anonymous said...


Micheal jacksons show did well so what's her excuse now? *crickets* oh im sorry: MJ is up there with the greats and Beyonce is a mear pee on. That said, if she were so damn great she would have done better in the ratings being that her Image is more hyped up than any other entertainers so once again, STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR HER!

Anonymous said...


I'm a Virgo and I don't like her so please don't try to speak for all of us.

Anonymous said...


I know right?!

Anonymous said...

How many hungry people did she feed on Thanksgiving day?

Anonymous said...

4 million viewers? I'm not impressed. Most of them were drunk and had no idea that the tv was even playing Beyonce like at my house....


Anonymous said...


Not "Spider Pig".


Anonymous said...

Some of you niggas REALLY need some serious grammar/spellimg lessons....I mean

"could have saw"?

"mear" for "mere"?

No wonder people actually think Beyonce is good entertainment. Talk about the dumbing down of society...

Anonymous said...

@6:20 Who is "micheal jacksons" and wtf is a "mear pee on?" Girl what?

Anonymous said...

Neilson ratings is based on a system where only a few are chosen to particpate. They are chosen at random to have those boxes in their homes. It is biased against people of color and could possibly be the reason why all the good black shows unless they are REALLY GOOD black shows don't last.

Now that I have that off my chest....

4.4 million is okay for a holiday. Many people were either in a turkey coma, fighting over the last 20 in. flat screen sold for $3.00 at Walmart, or hyping themselves up to fight over the last 20 in. flat screen on Black Friday.

I don't get why she had her special on so late. 9 pm? Come on. She was either positioning herself to not be blown out of the water by Taylor Swift, who was on at 8, or her team thought she could beat the Mentalist (which is always a hit during its time slot). Oh well. I didn't watch. I'm a Virgo and she is a bit juvenile for my sophisticated tastes.

Anonymous said...

@4:02 Beyonce stans are predictable as her failing career. Always saying someone is haters. check Beyonce before you post stupid stuff. Beyonce is the biggest hater and her action speaks louder than words. By the way 4.4 million is very low when the bimbo has hype the tour like it was on MJ LEVEL!!!! Beyonce is a Joke, and her career is a Fraud.

It didn't work assholes; and her show is still a flop! said...

9:23 8:21

Ho hum. Bringing up my simple little grammar errors in order to try and gloss over the fact that BEYWHORES SHOW FLOPPED! How fucking pathetic indeed.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Exactly Beyonce flopped plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I tried to watch it but it didnt hold my interested she been doing the same shyt for 10 years. Jiggle Jiggle, lacefront blowing jiggle jiggle. And I do respect her as a performer but this routine is old. This concert looks no different than B day tour and her other performances.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching michael jackson videos a long time, I'm 45 years old, i like beyonce, but a couple of those clips of girls crying over beyonce were actually taken from michael jackson footage. sorry but its the truth.

Anonymous said...

The only fans that cry and lose it over Beyonce like those girls are those Rio De Janeirio's. They are just wild. Beyonces fans everywhere else don't cry and faint over her because she wants them to do that so badly, but she doen't know how to make it happen.

Anonymous said...


No,the truth is, she cant make it happen. That said, her stealing Mj's footage shows how completely insecure pathetic and desperate she is to have people worship her because she doesn't love (and accept )herself.

Beyallboutme is a fraud said...

She has been getting this "praise" since the beginning. Remember the girls saying they had to praise Bey O_Oin some way at times and I think there is footage of those who work for her that "praise" her. So, yeah...she is used to that and feels entitled. Sad. The footage of the fans crying, etc is not hers. It is from one of MJs videos. I just have to dig and find it. Man, if you even have to steal footage of fans admiring someone else to boost yourself, you are truly pathetic. Get over yourself Bey and get the hell off of MJs coattails.

Anonymous said...

just not a very coherent show. no full dance sequences, lame talking to the computer, lame ride down great wall of China. Just lame lame lame. I think Bey is really the baddest in the game, but she got to change up her itshay. Same thing all the time. Oh well, she did say she was going to invent another genre of music. WOW. She really said that.
She really believes her hype. Did she forget that she and Mr Carter have been called out for stealing and copying the "greats."
I can't go on. Bey, get it together.
Jay is not better than bigger, just slicker.
Usher should stop worring about being the next MJ,
He can never ever ever ever be MJ.
And all you other artist with a "God Complex" JUST NO! NO! NO!

Anonymous said...


and even if she changes everything up she still wont be anything great because, well, beyonce just doesn't have the intellectual capacity or talent to do anything really great in terms of music or entertaining. she just doesn't have IT.

Anonymous said...

@7:35,8:35 I agree, that footage was taken from her concerts in Rio De Janeiro and that one really slim faced girl with the short black hair,her mouth really wide open screaming while shes jumping up and down,also directly after that girl, another girl rubbing her face with both her hands, thats taken from michael jackson footage, watch any michael jackson tributes with all the fainting crying girls and you will see that clip, they always use that clip in his footage.

Anonymous said...

I meant @7:35 and 8:23

Anonymous said...

There is a poor pony in Peru wondering what happened to it's tail!!!!

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