Friday, September 03, 2010

T.I. Ordred Back to Atlanta

T.I. is headed back to Atlanta to face his parole officer after his arrest in Los Angeles on drug possession charges. If he drops clean pee he might be in the clear. If he drops dirty, his ass is probably going back to jail.


Righteous said...

Its the beginning of the end fella

Anonymous said...

U so damn stupid. Just got out. U and ur wife is dumb.


Anonymous said...

darkies always messn up. smdh
as uncle ruckus say, once a darkie always a darkie.

Clifford's Probation Officer said...

I bet you won't get another approval to leave town.
Out there acting a fool.

Anonymous said...

What an ass! Kiss your freedom goodbye, fool!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will have time to thing about the bad decisions he made.

Anonymous said...

whatever happenedto hiring a driver all that money and no f'in sense

Fo' Real?!?! said...

Holy snickerdoodle, shit about to get real for this fool...*grabs popcorn, leans back, and watches it all unfold*

Anonymous said...

Can we say parole violation back to the land of OZ a few weeks or a month or two nothing to a felon back home with the fruits and trick killers want to snuggle up with a movie star

TI looks like one of those individuals he got a lot of store

Shit he is in Protective Custody so his ass is safe

Anonymous said...

put his ass back in jail he ain't learned shit. he got out and got cocky and married tiny goofy looking ass and acted a damn fool with the weed.Niggas just don't wanna learn. we just keep the white man smiling at us

Anonymous said...

He ain't going no where. Him going to jail the first time was his test to complete his Illuminati initiation. Now he's got friends in high places. This too, shall pass.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:08 hahaha gotta love that Antione quote

Anonymous said...

TI should hook up with that nasty ass skank ho Pasis Hilton. Two stupid druggies.

Anonymous said...

I hope they do get his ass. If he's that dumb to throw it all away then he gets what he deserves!

Anonymous said...

@Que Antione Dobson


Righteous said...

Hes gonna piss clean... too much time has past and.. Trust Me, hes flushin his system out.

Dee Truth said...

And those planning to RISE UP for some FREE TIP & TINY foolishness can knock ya'llselves out.



where's my stimulus? said...

he betta hit the "AZZ SEENT ON TV STORE" at the Lennox Mall on his way home and pick hisself up a WHIZZINATOR!

♫♥☆♪MoN!QU3♫♥☆♪ said...

well apparently the E pills were found in her purse

Anonymous said...

He just needs to get one of those cleansers, he'll be alright.

But real talk, Tiny's ass needs to own up to this shit for real. At worst she'll get probation. She will lose her man and his money.

It's time to really ride or die, Mrs. Harris.

Anonymous said...

Your time is up...snitch nicca!

its me snitches! said...

Say BYE BYE to this DUMB DUMB because if he don't come up with the right PEE PEE, he is going back to SING SING..

Uncle Tom said...

this bastard need's to bow to his master and get in that cotton feild like toby

CocoluvsMJ said...

Here is the Mugshots

Bee Gee said...

Fuck clean pee, he better drop some clean paper stacks of dead white men.

Anonymous said...

Ti is the biggest hyporcrite. He had that show on MTV trying to change kids lives and he is not doing the same thing for himself. I knew it was a sham when I heard about the show and that's why I never watched it.

He deserves everything that comes to him. He clearly needs to learn his lessons the hard way.

Anonymous said...

The closest he's gonna get to a Takers sequel is buying the DVD.

Anonymous said...

SMH @ "drops clean pee". His ancestors suffered and committed suicide b/c of the chains that were thrown on them. His ancestors were sold like stew meat and taken from their families. His ancestors were sicced on by policemen with dogs. And now here this total waste of sperm (and egg)has the audacity to ALLOW himself to be thrown in prison and SEPARATED FROM HIS FAMILY?
Folks, what we are seeing is modern day slavery brought on by NO ONE BUT OURSELVES. RIP, "Black Race"

ELove said...

CO-SIGN that SHYT !!!!!

Him and that Probation Officer NEED to become partners IN CRIME (MF-ing Real...) Come totally correct on the CASH TIP (Pun Intended) and that P.O. will use HIS OWN PEE ***LMAO***

Anonymous said...

He needs to hook up to a dialysis machine stat!

Anonymous said...

This dude is cleaning out his system and removing evidence. What difference does it make what his pee results are? He was caught in possession of an illegal substance and was also on probation. They need to send his ass back to his old cell, with enough time attached so he can think about his damn mistakes. tiny is a lost cause and has serious self esteem issues.

Bee Gee said...

Elove - lol, indeed.

Anonymous said...

STFU everybody, everybody is always so quick to judge people. Yall dont know what happened or is going to happen. Black people love to see another fall.... Yall make me sick. All yall know is what yall reading on the blogs..

Anonymous said...


Malika said...

i was thinking the same thing about him cleaning his pee. i worked at a record store he used to come in to and we were right next to a gnc where folks would go in to clean their pee on a regular. trust, dude is drinking gallons of water and is visiting his local gnc as we speak.

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, this is the most racist blog I've ever been on. There is always an "annonymous" character ranting and throwing words around that doesn't even sting anymore. but O wells,

Cant hate on Tiny.. she's doing THEM! been standing by her man.. this isnt anything new.. and BTW: lets not forget they are rich people.. living in mansions, driving million dollar cars, luxury vaca's and the whole nine.. Stay home mom? I think not! Rich people pay nannies to stay home with thier kids, while us poor poeple work 50-11 just to feed and cloth our kids. I actually respect her gangsta, if you ask me!

And Tiny is not ugly, idk why people say that! maybe its a self- esteem issue.. I see the potential in everybody.. as most PRETTY people do.. before you call some one ugly.. post your picture so others can judge you as well!

Anonymous said...

And 1 more thing: Most of you were pretty pissed off @ "the racist" for the comments that "it" made.. so just think of how Tiny or her family must feel when reading what YOU wrote about her.. be mature and responsible! if you cant take it.. dont try to give it...just sayin

Anonymous said...

Isn't you dumb ass annonymous. Your ass is ranting and throwing words around. "but O wells," JUST SAYING

Bee Gee said...

@ 6:29

I respect you, sista, but the bottom line motto in here is "To each his/her own". At least that's how I feel. To me, this is an environment similar to the barber shop. Niggas sittin' around, mixin up issues and topics. A whole lotta clownin goin on with some serious-side convo mixed in. But it's all good. Even the racists that come in here - it's all good to me, cuz I (and plenty of others) know how to deal with that bullshit. It's just part of the dynamic of the blog, in my humble. Some days, I don't feel like even being bothered or addressing the racists, and other days (like today), I'm roastin' that ass slowly over a big fire. It's no different than anything/topic in here. Whether or not everybody is serious/joking on whatever topic, it's on them and to me it's all good.

Now, just a few things...

1) Tiny is ugly. I'm sorry, but she's ugly. I'm not high on myself, and I don't sit here and knock other posters for their looks, but Tiny is the celebrity here, and any celebrity on RWS is probably gonna get clowned - that's just how it is. I respect your opinion, indeed, but there's a reason Tiny gets clowned for her looks. Sista is a very strange lookin' human being, and that's that.

2) I dig that Tiny stands by her man, but this shit right here is NOT GANGSTA. What woulda been gangsta is her slappin his dumbass upside the head when he wanted to pop X or whatever OUTSIDE THE HOME. Nigga just got outta jail, and her on front street with him because they're both stupid is NOT GANGSTA. Mugshots are anything but gangsta, baby. My opinion. I feel like people stating that them niggas shoulda been home with their children make a whoooole lotta sense. Think about it. Yo kids at home and you and Daddy are in the fuckin precinct gettin' booked for a drug charge??? Unbelievably IRRESPONSIBLE, and these niggas are not 18 years old. No other way around that.

Anyway, RWS keep it funky all the time, and no shit-starters or 2-dollar racists can even begin to fade it. To each his/her own - respect.

Aretha said...

r-e-s-p-e-c-t,find out what it mean's to me

CocoluvsMJ said...

Even if he does clear his Pee, they can still do hair samples, which can trace any amount of drugs in your system. If you dont have any hair they take it from other places on your body. So you can drink all the water you want to. It will not matter

Anonymous said...

^^^The furthest they can go is STANDARD Piss Test because the other stuff you're mentioning is DNA and nobody has to submit to that just for the purpose of determining drug use to satisfy a PROBATION ORDER

Antoine said...

Clifford, you are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^5555555555555555555555555 @ ELOVE.

The Real Fedup said...

What a dumbass! T.I. your ass needs to be slap for real. SMH.... I can't see grown folks act so fuckin stupid beyond belief.

@Bee Gee as always I co-motherfu*kin sign with every last word you said!

Tiny should be smack more than T.I. because she should of told her husband to stay away from that. Don't they know they got kids at home to take care of? What kind of example they are setting there kids? If this was anyone else who was not famous or have money, I promise you the parents would of had child protective service take there kids away period. This is some straight up bullshit here.

Anonymous said...

@1:19 AM, you are wrong about Tiny. She is not his mother, she is his wife.

He will do what he wants to do.

She is responsible for HER actions only.

Why do Black folks think that Black women are responsible for a grown assed man's behavior?

If you really want to get down to it, the husband/head of the household should be the leader/protector.

These men want the power of a pimp and the responsibility of a nursing infant, and stupid men and women are cosigning on this kind of fuckery.

Quiana said...

ti just will never learn oh well.

Anonymous said...

TI's P.O. is going to put him on a short leash. He won't be able to go around the corner from house.

Anonymous said...

^^^corner from his house.

CocoluvsMJ said...

10:57 PM

Oh ok. I thought they had to especially if they were found in violation of their probation.

The Real Fedup said...


You are right she is not his mother.

But dam it this fool just got out of jail! If Tiny cared aboout the welfare of her children and the risk of her husband heading right back to jail, then her ass would of suggested him to stop the bullshit.

T.I. is obviously not thinking clearly and sometimes it is our duty as a partner to help husband to make wise decisions (and vice versa). TINY instead participate in the bullshit.

T.I. is a grown man who needs to make smart decisions as well. But Tiny gets it worst simply because she should of been the person who said to him " Baby you just got out of jail and cool off because the white man and your haters waiting for you to fuck up again!"

That is my point with my statement. I see where you are coming from. But as I said before she gets an EPIC FAIL from me. POINT BLANK. Tiny is double wrong for this shit as well as T.I.

Anonymous said...

@The Real Fedup, T.I. has failed as a man/provider for his family.

Make no mistake about it, everybody knows that T.I. is controlling. If T.I. wanted Tiny to be a happy housebound housewife, taking care of the kiddies back at the homestead whilst he runs the streets, she would have her ass at home.

I'm an old broad, I'm just telling you how those old dogs doing dirt used to roll back in the day.

They didn't want their WIVES incurring the risk of the streets and thus jeapordizing their children at home.

Even the HARDEST street nukka lived by that creed.

But these "pimps" nowadays are full of estrogen from pumped up chicken and from sucking on their mothers titties at age 40.

I can see T.I. allowing let his WIFE and the mother of his children to take the fall for him.

What kind of man wants the mother of is children to be out in the streets doing wrong with him with not even one straight parent around for the kids.

What T.I. wants is a ride or die bitch who makes HIM the center of her world.

If he cared one ounce about his children, he would not require this behavior from his wife.

Celtic Caribsoul Catering, Confections, & Cafe said...

@10:39 A.M. TO ME, THAT'S THE BEST POST OF 2010 .

The Old Broad said...

Thank you, Bluebunny!

I just had to get that off my chest.

Anonymous said...

@@@@@@10:39am Damn, straight up the TRUTH like the gospels. no more words that post was worth the rest of them. my father kept his wife at home to look after it and us.

Quiana said...

Co-sign with you.

Anonymous said...

Even Snoop has sense enough not to get his wife caught up in his shit.

The Real Fedup said...


I totally agree with you 100% on T.I.! He gets an automatic fail as a husband, father, and a role model period! A real man would of told his wife to keep her ass at home and be with her kids if he was doing bullshit!

If this was anyone else with no fame nor money, I promise you that person would of lost their kids by child protective services.

Drug possession? First it was it is drugs? What ring operation?

I agree T.I. is an idiot to jeporidize his home for bullshit. If he really loved Tiny, he would of told her to be home. But knowing Tiny would she listen to his ass? Let's be honest....she probably would not. She is so desperate to keep him she'll do anything. I do believe she partipate in threesomes. I do!

My point with Tiny is that her ass was with this dude through this entire mess with him in jail. Her ass was without her man for a year! Why would she just jump in a car with all that substances on this fool...knowing fucking well that the police and media is waiting for his ass to screw up.

You never heard the term that "a man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the one who is the neck who tells the man what direction he needs to turn!"

T.I. got the blame as being the failure of the "man" of the household just as much as Tiny got the blame of being the "ride or die chick" to partipate in the foolishness. Tiny was in a better position to tell her husband to keep a low profile. Instead she right along with the bullshit. This is one of the ridiculous couples I have ever seen.

That Old Broad said...

@The Real Fedup, me being 10:39 am, we are in agreement.

There is no way in the world I would risk being seperated from my children to ride dirty with my husband.

No way in the world!

No man is that fine, no dick is that good, and there is not enough money in the world for me to cosign on that.

I would not be the wife of a thug, first of all, but on the off chance that I let him put a ring on it, I'd tell his ass to keep bail money in the house and call me when he fucked up.

You'd best believe there would be no his and hers mugshots.

I would be at home with my babies.

Yes, I'm old fashioned. I don't care how much money you have, when you have children you needs to be a home with them until you send them off to college, at LEAST the mothers, if not both mother and father.

Moms, you don't need to go nowhere that you can get arrested while you have children in the house.

So many women have lost maternal instinct for their children because their asses are too busy babying their grown assed husbands or boyfriends.

Instead of telling these fools to grow the fuck up, or get the fuck out, they are busy coddling these "men" and throwing their children under the bus in the process.

That's old school shit for your ass.

That Old Chick said...

@Fed up, I agree with MOST of what you said. I truly believe that T.I. wants Tiny doing dirt with him and would not have it any other way.

Threesomes, drugs, strippers? Come on, now.

T.I. does not want a straght arrow, would not give a college girl the time of day, he wants a gangster bitch.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, Black men had pride, even in the face of being told they were not men, not human.

Even in the face of being paid starvation wages, Black men had pride.

Black men had enough pride that they would not have their wives out in the streets.

Furthermore, as a MAN, if your wife was not SAFELY at home, or if out and about, under YOUR protection or with trusted and safe people, other BLACK men would call your ass out! This type of man would be viewed as weak.

Prideful Black men had a job or two and a side hustle or two because the jobs they had wasn't enough to say grace over, chances were. They had pride enough to do what had to be done to provide and to protect.

And for those select Black men who stayed out all night long, or all weekend long, these nikkuhs WAS NOT HAVING their wives being out in the streets!

Nowadays, we have too much of the following:

1. Licking their lips like drooling infants (T.I., I'm talking to your ass)

2. Wearing pigtails and barettes like toddler females
3. Never wanting to leave the playpen you call your mamma's "crib",
sucking on pacifiers. Literally sucking on pacifers since the 70's (think Palo Alto in the 70s and Boyz in the Hood)
4. Wearing two earrings
5. Wearing your pants low like you've got a load of shit in your diaper.
6. Stay asking their mother's for lunch money, even at the age of 50
7. Mother's too weak to put a stop to that shit.
8. Father's not there to put a stop to that shit.

That Old Broad said...

^^^ Correction: you need to be at home

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