Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Messy Jr.

Jesse Jackson Jr. issued an apology today for getting caught flying his jump-off around the country using campaign funds.

Jesse Jr. is knee deep in a scandal right now concerning whether or not he tried to buy a senate seat or if he was using campaign funds inappropriately and blah blah blah blah blah. You can go here if you want to read about it. Anyway, during the investigations one of Jesse's jump-offs was exposed. 

Here's his apology and the jump off.
"The allegations about fundraising and the Senate seat are not new. I've already talked with the authorities about these claims, told them they were false, and no charges have been brought against me. The very idea of raising millions of dollars for a campaign other than my own is preposterous. My interest in the Senate seat was based on years of public service, which I am proud of, not some improper scheme with anyone.

"The reference to a social acquaintance is a private and personal matter between me and my wife that was handled some time ago. I ask that you respect our privacy.

"I know I have disappointed some supporters and for that I am deeply sorry. But I remain committed to serving my constituents and fighting on their behalf."