Monday, August 23, 2010

Fantasia Admits Trying to Kill Herself

Fantasia's VH1 Behind the Music special is airing tomorrow night at 9, the same day her new cd drops by the way, and on it she explains how her overdose was no accident.

Fantasia tells VH1,
"I didn't have any fight in me. I didn't care about anything. I just wanted out. At that moment, I wanted out. I wanted it to be over with – all of it, all of that shit. I just sat in the closet and looked at the mirror and took all the pills in the bottle. I wanted to go to sleep and just be at peace. I knew exactly what I was doing. You can't accidentally take a whole bottle of pills."

"I was tired of people doing me wrong, constantly, over and over again, dealing with my family – my father, dealing with men and their shit – I was tired. My head was hurting me. I was over it."