Monday, July 19, 2010

Whitney Houston on the Road to Ruin

Snitches say Whitney is blowing all her money on cocaine.

From the National Enquirer

WHITNEY HOUSTON is blowing over $300,000 a year on drugs, sources say - and friends fear she's locked in a downward spiral that will soon end in death.

With the R&B diva's drug habit raging out of control, her entourage recruited a drug dealer who sold her $6,000 worth of cocaine during a tour stop in Europe in June, an eyewitness to the deal told The ENQUIRER.

Although the 46-year-old singer claimed to be drug-free during her TV interview with Oprah Winfrey, she was actually high as a kite at the time, said a source.

And while she's been through rehab at least twice, an in-depth ENQUIRER investigation has discovered Whitney has spent an average of $6,300 a week on drugs - or an astonishing $327,600 a year!

"Whitney is a dead woman walking! With the amount of drugs she's buying, she won't be able to live long. She'll be dead in months," her friend Marlon David, a party promoter, told The ENQUIRER.

The Grammy-winning singer's sobriety came into question almost as soon as she kicked off her "Nothing But Love" comeback tour in February in South Korea.

After canceling her Paris concert, she was hospitalized for what her reps called an upper respiratory infection. The condition forced her to call off three more shows in England and Scotland.

While most people expect a coke addict to be rail thin, Whitney is not.

When she was photographed in London, Whitney looked bloated and sported a puffy face - conditions that sources believe are side effects of prescription drugs for her respiratory ailment that cause her to retain water and have a voracious appetite.

By the time she arrived in Denmark for her performances in Copenhagen, Whitney's team was ordering huge amounts of illegal drugs, according to David.

"A friend of mine who's based in Switzerland is a drug dealer who deals in cocaine. One of Whitney's people called him and said, 'Whitney wants to party,'" David told The ENQUIRER exclusively.


DOSbrand said...

O how the mighty are fallen.

judge dredd said...

Ok, everybody.. lets try not to do any Whitney jokes on this thread ok.. because this it getting just too sad.

Anonymous said...

Ann shut the fuck up nobody wants to hear that bullshit bible thumpin you be doin why you on internet gossip sites all the time why you don't take that energy and start one of these corrupt ass storefront churches in East New York (where the murder rate is high than a muthafucka) we got like ate least 3 on every block for gullible suckas like yourself feel me?

Anonymous said...

I agree with judge dredd. This is a sad situation. No need to talk sh*t about the dying...seriously.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't blame all this new shit on Bobby.

Anonymous said... stan, but don't it seem like every three months or so the Enquirer says Whitney is near death/close to dying? I dunno y'all, the Enquirer gets it right SOMEtimes (John Edwards) but they always come up short on Whitney. If this world comeback tour ain't killed her by now, then maybe she's not in that bad a shape...I'mma wait until a few months, since they say she'll be dead by that time.

Anonymous said...

Thats a lie cause WHITNEY aint got that much money.

Anonymous said...

She's a tough bird. It'll take more than that to do her in.

Anonymous said...

Dont go blaming BOBBY either. Whitney was such a strong DIVA that she knew what she was getting into. BOBBY threw that DICK on her ass and she got whupped. Drugs are made to do exactly what their doing. THATS HOOK-EM,BREAK-EM then KILL-EM.
Its up to the person on them to FIGHT-EM.

AnRnBThug said...

She gotta be an inpatient for a whole year

Anonymous said...

I was just saying weeks ago that I didn't believe Whitney would make it through this year. She needs a miracle.

The real Bobby Brown said...

I told y'all it was her pushing the drugs on me. People always want to blame her drug addiction on me. She turned me on to cocaine.

Anonymous said...

What kind of friends does her dumb ass have that would go out scrounging for illegal drugs to support her awful habit, and who cares if she was high during the Oprah interview? If she's high around everybody else, she can be high around Oprah. Junkies aren't into making exceptions for other people. If they don't care about themselves or those close to them, including their offspring, they certainly don't care about some talk show host or how they look on television, or what people are saying about them. They're too strung out to give a damn.

And don't be surprised if she winds up dead anytime soon...that's right...D.E.A.D. When you're killing yourself by living a self destructive life, death is bound to happen, and she's slowly killing herself. I'll be damn if I'm going to waste one nickel going to see someone that is throwing their life away, and she needs people in her life to tell her "hell to the naw", as often as necessary.

Anonymous said...

I think that she let them put her out there too fast, people are not happy with her performance, Bobby got re-married so quickly and she did not have a realistic about of time to tackel her drug addiction. Clyde try to act like he cared about her so but he just wanted another mega project and thought that Whitney would be his cash cow again.

Mena said...

No disrespect, but why should we care if she is? She is a grown woman who should know better. She should be surrounding herself with people who support her decision to stay clean. Where is her mother? I mean, I know its an addiction and they are hard to shake, but if this story is true, which it may not be, she should value her life more than the drugs.

Shes been here before and should know her signs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I 'm pray for her if it is true.

Quiana said...

Whitney please get it together please for Bobbi Christina.

Anonymous said...

Well, she apparently agreed to be put out there, so she shares the blame. I don't know if she wrote any of the lyrics she recorded, but if she doesn't have publishing income, because somebody else wrote the lyrics, I guess she has to earn a living by falling back on what she knows (which is singing). Artists don't make a lot of money off of CDs, especially if they don't publish, arrange, play instruments or produce any of it.

She fell pretty hard financially, in addition to personally, and she still needs to earn an income. Too bad she's turning her money over to the dope man. What makes it even worse is that the dope man sounds like he's sticking his chest out with pride because he bagged a famous, washed up dope head. Last but not least, she looks a hot buttered mess.

TruthBeTold said...

sad sad...erry body love Whitney , such amazing talent such a loss...this woman will end up 6 feet under if she don't stop this shit

Anonymous said...

Her fans love her more than she loves herself.

Anonymous said...

Where is Oprah's fat ass now? I forgot, she only comes around for the "story".

Whitney needs help, all the people surrounding her are enablers.

I hope she's not the next Hollywood tragedy

Anonymous said...

1:57 PM - Her mother is most likely tired of her shit and too damn old to deal with it after all these years, plus at her age she probably has personal issues of her own. Looks like all Whitney has in her corner is Bobbi K and some yes-men and women keeping her drugged. It's too bad that the musicians, road crew, backup singers, dancers, etc. fell victim to her wicked ways. She is making their work environment foul.

Anonymous said...

Okay! First of all, Bobby Brown is the original source of her drug addiction. PERIOD. He has always been a hoodrat assed out kneegrew that married welled but blotched that up. Although, I have always said, "Whitney Houston is a fool because no one can pull out of you what is not already there".

He never really cared about her along with that munching pack of kneegrews out of Boston. How about that? Now, he gets his act somewhat cleaned up with all his baby mamas and their drama. He is the family man now.

If this news is true, it does not look good for her. Those kinds of drugs designed to kill, steal and destroy your soul, they usually do.

Anonymous said...

I do blame bobby. He got her on the drugs, abused her while he was with her (making drugs seem like a solution to the depression he was causing with his abuse), and destroyed her self-esteem.

Her new problem (now that he's finally out of her life) is being surrounded by enablers who only see her as a cash cow- they don't care about her.

If she takes serious time off and fixes her problems, she can still have a successful career and life.

Whitney needs firstly, to get all the negative people and enablers out of her life; then, (at minimum) 3 years of full time rehab and counseling (if not 4-5 years). After that she should continue rehab and counseling as an out-patient while she works on an album(another 2 years).

If and when she's ready to release the album and tour, I wouldn't have her tour internationally. She should do a US tour, then a North American tour. After that, I'd try and get her a Vegas deal like Celine Dion. Staying close to home, (true) friends, family and counselors is the best thing for a recovering addict.

Addiction is a serious problem. It's easy to throw the addict under the bus for being "weak" or "irresponsible" if you've never done drugs or been addicted to a substance. Unfortunately, non-addicts never accept that when it comes to addiction, they simply don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Psychological issues (like depression, abuse, low self-esteem) may lead to addiction by making the substance seem like a way to ease their (mental) pain, but once you've started using, you are PHYSICALLY ADDICTED to the substance. Your body calls for this substance, similar to the way it calls for food when you're hungry, or water when you're thirsty. Except multiply those cravings by 1000%. And if you don't use, you get extremely sick, or feel like you're dying. The reason users go into financial ruin is because over time, you need more of the drug to beat back the negative affects of not using and to get the high from using.

What most people don't know about drugs is what causes all the judgment. Most people think of drugs as simply making you feel good, so they perceive drug users as people who are chasing a good time to the exclusion of all else. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Anonymous said...

@@@3:46pm, Back in the days, we used to be big Whitney Houston fans.

I remember a "girlfriend" commenting about how depressed she looked and that it was a hidden fact that she battled depressed in silence. You are on the money, honey.

Writer with a Vengeance said...

I think this is so so sad. I LOVED whitney houston growing I literally loved her! I used to sing in the mirror to all her songs and waiting to exhale as young as I was I watched that movie front to back for her and the songs with her in it off the soundtrack. I thought she was a gorgeous black woman...this to me is heartbreaking. And I agree with the ppl saying it's not all bobby..I used to think that too but she did get that Diva bug and that definitely lead to her demise. It's so sad to see such a beautiful woman with so much God Given talent turn out like this...cause no one to me in the music game now-a-days even remotely touches Whitney as a singer, not even Jennifer Houston.

Anonymous said...

Co sign with 1:33. I pray this story is not true; but if so, it looks like we can sadly lose another great talent due to drug abuse. Death by entourage has got to end. "Recruited a drug dealer....." "Whitney's TEAM ordering large amounts of illegal drugs....." SMH.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was her dealer..

Bro Man form the 5th floor said...

I'm gonna say a prayer for Whittie.

Anonymous said...

I knew Nippy was high on Oprah's show she had camel mouth.

Anonymous said...

Wendy Williams called it months ago. She knew Whitney wasn't over and done with illegal drugs after the Oprah interview aired. Wendy claims she had issues with drugs, herself, and recognizes other people with a familiar behavioral pattern. Wendy simply called a spade a spade. People were calling out Wendy for calling out Whitney, but somebody needed to be publicly honest, instead of covering for her or downplaying the seriousness of her addiction to drugs. Face it, fans, Whitney Houston is a wreck.

Bee Gee said...

Anybody that viewed at least one of those youtube clips of Whitney in concert, knew that she was still swimming in that powder.

When fiends get this bad on the street, the only thing that usually saves em is jail or death. With celebrity fiends, the jail is not that likely, so the only option is either a miracle... or death.

I'ont blame Bobby at all. This is a grown ass woman who's life was shaped by HER decisions just like any other adult. Her path and her story are very unfortunate, but to blame Bobby doesn't really make any sense.

I'd bet over time and as far back as she can remember, Whitney has been asking herself questions about where she should go from that point forward, just like anybody that has themselves in a fucked up situation would. But she's a fiend, and most times, words simply don't work on a fiend. So it's either a life-changing event for Whitney, or death. I hope, for her sake, and for the sake of the people that love her and need her, that something happens to her to put her in a corner that leaves her no choice but to kick that bullshit.

Anonymous said...

It is just so sad. It is just not looking good for Whitney at all.

lily said...

One thing Whitney said on Oprah that was a a big hint that she was using or going to use, was when she said she still drank and if you saw her at a bar, don't think she was drugging again.

I have a family member who has 23 years in recovery and she had to stop using everything, including alcohol.

Ppl forget alcohol is a drug.
Unfortunately Whitney was trying to do recovery on the cheap and it don't work that way.

That's the problem with druggies with disposable cash, it's harder for them to recover. They don't have to worry about bills and the rehabs they go to are usually like resorts. The yes ppl are like vultures and they make sure the person stays high---control.

Anonymous said...

"Whitney wants to party."?

WTF is this, Woodstock?.. Studio 54?? Who the hell says that shit anymore?

Anonymous said...

This is very sad. I didn't expect her to do well because I felt she was just not ready for such a huge commitmemt. She needed more therapy and more time to heal mentally and physically to deal with the temptations that is so great within the music industry. All these YES people surrounding her will only help put her in an early grave.

Anonymous said...

@ Bee Gee

Well I blame Bobby! somewhat.

Bee Gee said...

^ I mean, I guess he does play some part in this, as he was a big part of her life. So ok, I guess Bobby does deserve maybe a small measure of the blame.

Anonymous said...

Agree w/ Judge Dredd and LMAO 12:12

Anonymous said...

On Oprah I remember Whitney saying that when she saw Michael Jackson at his 30th Anniversary Concert, that she didn't want to be like him. It's sad that she is in a fantasy world. She went back to work too fast. She needed more time to get herself together.

I hate the fact that Clive Davis did not know how to handle this situation. You don't take a person who has gotten high for several years and just put them a studio. He thought that if she just make a number one album that life will be wonderful for her again. It doesn't work that way. She needs help. Real help to get that addiction under control.

I took me 6 months to get my addiction under control. I went into a rehab and was inpatient. I was taught new tools to get full control of my life without taking pills. I have Sickle Cell Anemia and I got addicted to the very medicine that was to help control my pain from crisis. I also abused depression pills that got me high.

It was not easy but I got help, and I thought that 6 months from my family was too long but that's what I needed. That is what Whitney needs. Those classes and meetings helped me discover why I got addicted and how to maintain a life without pills. I even found God again and that REALLY helped me through this. I will pray that Whitney will get the same help I got. She will learn that she will always be an addict, but she will live life from that moment on as a recovering addict. Good luck Whitney and May God bless you with a new life free from addiction.

Class of 2002 of Recovery!

Anonymous said...

girl, die already. fuck that. joe blow the homeless guy can die tomorrow and no one would care. they should stop reporting on whitney's drug habit. it's no secret or surprise anymore.

if having a daughter is not worth her kicking this habit, why are people wasting time even mentioning it. she should look at her daughter and believe "i've gotta live for bobbi kris." she's not doing that. she's taking care of her own selfish need. have the hell at it.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS 10:58!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y'ALL WE GOT TO PRAY FOR WHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JESUS, BE DRUGS FOR WHIT'S CRAVINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:59 FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!


JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Prednisone is no joke. I had to be on it for almost a month and I gained 10 lbs that I'm still working on losing! It makes you always hungry! I had hoped she kicked that habit. It's so sad to hear this. She needs our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Bobby Brown abused his wife and ruined her.

You idiots that want to ignore that are enablers for abusers.

Anonymous said...

Whitney give me a holla ,I like crack too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop putting all this on Bobby. Whitney was doing drugs (and women)long before she met Bobby. I'm sure he didn't help the situation, but he DIDN'T cause it.

Anonymous said...

Po' thang. She hit middle-age (and the pipe) like Aretha hits every Detroit-area KFC.


Anonymous said...

Crack doesn't kill... I have an uncle that's been on rocks for the last 25 yrs

Anonymous said...

^^^Wow. Bet you can't even keep a transistor AM radio around the joint.

Anonymous said...

she does not want to stop getting high.. you have to want help.. rehab is a bunch of bullshit.. it does not work when you are forced to go or talked into going.. we all know the court ordered shit which says jail or rehab and of course an addict is going to pick the easy way out.. then they will get back on the street and continue what they did in the first place.. we can't blame it all on bobby this time.. he is gone.. now its up to her to change.. see this is what happpens when you have money. people around you allow you do mess up your life as long as you keep signing their pay check.. these gossip mags are on the money a lot of times.. from what i heard one of these magazines predicted mike's death.. wow.. someone is spilling all the celebrity secrets to the magazines.. an inside job...

Anonymous said...

Haha @11:00 ^^^^^ or a pair of worn out shoes.
bet he be singing the PAWN SHOP SONG everytime he find something. Thats a good way to keep a clean house. HAVE A CRACK HEAD LIVING THERE.

Sunshine Taylor Reddick said...

All that talent just wasted. So sad. I hope this is just BS. The Enquirer isn't the best source.

Anonymous said...

Fuck that coke head bitch

Anonymous said...

@lily: I caught that comment about drinking wine too and knew that the coke use was imminent. Same thing w/ Frankie. She says she still drinks - w/ a coke addict if they are drinking, they are also abusing coke.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 PM

Whitney had no business comparing her addiction to Michael Jackson's. That man had various medical conditions that caused excruciating pain including broken vertebrae in his back, 3rd and 4th degree burns on his scalp (which required reconstructive surgery, discoid lupus (which destroys cartilage and bone structure), vitiligo, and an enormous amount of emotional pain caused by media stoning. Not all addictions are alike. I get her point but she didn't go through anything near what he went through and she chose to do drugs RECREATIONALLY!!!!!!! Michael became dependent on drugs due to a plethora of debilitating physical ailments.

Anonymous said...

Although the Enquirer isn't the best source out there I do believe there is some truth to this story.

I think the numbers are probably exaggerated, but she has lots of signs pointing to addiction. That bloating they were talking about is called "coke bloat" and that only happens when people use coke on a regular basis. Also her performances have been horrible and strange!

I just wish her the best and hope that one day she'll get some real help.

khthompson said...

@3:38 ... she smoked her first JOINT with her Aunt Dionne Warwick... can't blame Bobby - he participated WITH her - he didn't get her started.

Anonymous said...

My cousin is half Cape Verdeian and black, beautiful! She had a 3 story home. It was subsidized housing and she only had to pay $38 monthly. She has four children. So this guy turned her out. First her habit started with coke. Then Crack and then heroine.

You can not blame the person who got you started on drugs. You have to blame yourself. I have been offered to do coke. "Oh, it makes you feel mellow!" I always stood my ground and said no!!!!!!! Bobby Brown is Bobby Brown! Take it or leave it! That is the problem with people. They are so quick to blame others for their problems but will not take the blame for their own actions. BTW, my cousin could not afford to pay her rent and her electricity went out. Some of you will most likely say, "How can you not pay $38 a month?" It happened! I tried to help but you can not help anyone who does not want it. (Real Talk)

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are still blaming Bobby Brown for Whitney's dope problem, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! NOW! PUT A PERIOD ON THAT! I grew up in East Orange and went to school with Whitney in middle school and her brother Michael in High School. IT WAS A KNOWN FACT that Michael was a user back then! The only thing that saved Whitney was her mom put her in a private all girls school! Whitney was Hood then and she is still Hood now! That cleaen image yall bought when she came out was marketing...100% marketing! Whitney would have ended up where she is even if she never met Bobby Brown! It's her life, not his! Stop trying to blame someone else! As it has been said several times on this post...she is a grown ass woman!

Unknown said...

i think whitney houston used the media somewhat like Marlyin monroe and anna nicole smith whitney was not gonna let anyone push her over like etta said she's no push over either she wants true love not a one night stand she got it but at what price since bobby browwn did her wrong and now she died before christmas 2013 when she could have lived to see 2013 after march