Friday, June 11, 2010

Shannon Price Wants Control of Gary Coleman's Estate

There's been a lot going on with the Gary Coleman situation. Fighting over the  body [that still hasn't been buried or cremated yet]; Fighting over the will [several unauthenticated copies have surfaced, including a hand written one presented by ex-wife Shannon Price awarding her everything]; Speculation on the circumstances surrounding Gary's death, and the latest? Shannon trying to get control of the estate.

Shannon Price, who's been evicted from Gary Coleman's home in Utah and had his truck taken from her, filed for control of his estate claiming even though she and Gary had been divorced almost 2 years. Shannon feels since she and Gary still lived together, she should be treated as his common law wife and awarded authority of his estate which includes a $300,000.00 house and a $156,000.00 a year pension. 

In a will signed in 1999, Gary Coleman named longtime friend and former manager Dion Mial as executor of his estate and directed Dion to cremate his body and hold a memorial service only for
"those who have no financial ties to me and who can look each other in the eyes and say they really cared personally for Gary Coleman. I direct my personal representative to permit no members of the press to be present at my wake or funeral."
Dion Mial has accused Shannon of blocking an autopsy  on Gary in order to derail an investigation saying,
“Shannon Price is responsible for blocking any investigation…“By stalemating the process, she is stopping the process. Price is making it very difficult for authorities to get to the bottom of this.”