Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Falling Down Drunk

He's 21 now so I guess this is to be expected.

From Radar Online
“Chris was out at Greenhouse nightclub last night in New York City and got so wasted that he fell off the couch,” an insider at the club told exclusively. “He had to be picked up off the ground by his security team!”

Chris was drinking Ace of Spades champagne mixed with Patron tequila and hung out with rappers Lil Jon and Gucci Mane, sources told Before making it to Greenhouse nightclub at nearly 2 am, Chris and his crew had been at Perfection strip club in Queens.

“Girls were all over Chris trying to make their way to his table,” the source continued. “He wasn’t really too talkative and seemed pretty cocky and arrogant. He took off his shirt and danced around in his tank top undershirt until the bar closed.”