Friday, June 11, 2010

Diddy's One B.I.G. Regret

That he didn't make B.I.G get on the plane the night he was murdered.
Diddy says,
"Probably the only regret that does haunt me was the night that Biggie got killed. He was supposed to go to London for a promo tour, and he had talked me into letting him stay in Los Angeles. That's, like, a regret that I have, just not forcing him to get on the plane."
and while we're talking about what Diddy says, Diddy also says he'll never get married.
"Marriage, for me, is something that I see differently than a lot of people. Based on what I see out here, I don't see it as a commitment.

"I don't know a lot of people that are married (who) are happy. Ninety per cent of the people that I speak to, that are married, are miserable. Ninety per cent of the men I know that are married, they are not really as committed.

"Also, in my background, I never grew up seeing that - my mother never had a man around us. My father was killed when I was three. So, just based on the way what I was accustomed to, I wasn't well-versed in that."
Sorry Kim and Cassie!