Friday, May 07, 2010

Solar Ripping off Guru's Estate?

That's the latest. F#ck, a website dedicated to documenting the downfall of MC Solar, is making some pretty serious allegations and they seem to have the proof to back it up. 

From the looks of things, Solar sold Guru's Nanuet, NY condo for more than $300,000.00 while Guru was still in a coma. F#ck got their hands on a notarized document showing where Guru signed his property over on March 18, while he was still in a coma.

 And that's not all:  F#ck has interviews from Guru and Solar's former band mates who confirm the rumors about how badly Solar treated Guru. There's also an interview from one of Solar's baby mamas who also confirmed that Solar was physically and verbally abusive to Guru.

Whatever Solar is trying to pull, it doesn't look like it's going to fly. Stay tuned.