Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Why is Baby's lip quivering? Could it be he just found out Lil Wayne won't be in protective custody while doing his time on Rikers and instead will be placed with the rest of the prisoners in general population?
The tattooed tears on Baby's face look real while he's escorted into the courthouse for Lil Wayne's sentencing yesterday.

According to NYDN

Lil Wayne was shipped off to jail Monday, with his lawyer saying he wanted to hang tough at Rikers Island by doing his time with the general population.
And he'll get his wish.

Even though defense lawyer Stacey Richman initially claimed that city officials were forcing the rapper into protective custody, it turns out he's going into a regular cellblock.
Correction Department spokesman Stephen Morello said the "Lollipop" singer will have "general population escort" status.

That means he'll be escorted by a correction captain when outside of his housing unit - just like gang members.

Inside, he's free to socialize under the watchful eye of guards with the 17 men on his cellblock - or stay locked in his cell.

"It's his choice," Morello said.