Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oprah Settles

There's something you don't hear everyday: Oprah giving in.

Remember that sex scandal at Oprah's Leadership Academy for Girls in Africa [click here if you missed it]? Well the headmistress at the time, who claims to have been unaware of what was going on, says that after Oprah publicly said she'd lost confidence in her, she was unable to find another job.

Once the judge ruled that Oprah would have to testify, she decided to settle out of court. The terms of the settlement are cha-ching confidential.


Anonymous said...

cha-ching NOT. Harpo may have settled, but this has become an embarraassment to her because of that voodoo priest looking headmistress.

Expect her ass to endure a root put out on her by Harpo (with the help of Mother Celestine Creole).

Anonymous said...

Was the headmistress South African? It probably wasn't for very much money. Enough to get her through a couple of years financially before getting a new job after the mess dies down.

Anonymous said...

6:57 pls find the nearest corner---------->

Anonymous said...

Wow, Okra the new age mammy for the establishment surely took a turn this time. Ironic for this bitch who's on her soap box all day about abuse. She ends up opening a South African school with all white teachers who abuse black students.That's Okra for you smh

Anonymous said...

I am really surprise she settled. Has anyone seen what this head mistress looks like? Why did the head mistress come to the states to sue her, she was hired in africa, why not sue there? Is everyone going to sue if they are not able to find a job again?

Nteague1 said...


Anonymous said...

Man that ain't going to break Oparh! Big deal

Nteague1 said...

Well damn if you put it like that Anonymous, whites in South Africa..wait, living in South Africa you should be well off, anyway. So why is the school there? Everytime I hear about South Africa, some big, fancy event is going down. Out of aAaLlL the countries, really?? I can't get into this chick. Literally, she just stares at us from the countertop every month..

Blue_Danube said...

Oprah be aiight! Her pussy prolly got an official US Treasury Dept watermark as well as an E Pluribus Umun stamp on her majora!

Anonymous said...

Gon' Harpo dance for da white folk!

Anonymous said...

@ Nteague1...actually it may seem like South Africa is doing really well, but there is still huge inequality.
The whites still rule majority of the place, and the blacks are living in shanty towns & ghettos with very little to live on.
The HIV/AIDS crisis isn't helping either. Those who should be of working age have caught the disease and bedridden because they cant afford its left with the old and really young.

If you go to places like Pretoria, the only blacks you see there are in uniform, and domestic workers(nannies, maids and caretakers). Sad thing is, most even just get to work in lavish homes, and then return to their run down houses at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

@ Nteague1...
actually it may seem like South Africa is doing really well, but there is still huge inequality.
The whites still rule majority of the place, and the blacks are living in shanty towns & ghettos with very little to live on.
The HIV/AIDS crisis isn't helping either. Those who should be of working age have caught the disease and bedridden because they cant afford its left with the old and really young.

If you go to places like Pretoria, the only blacks you see there are in uniform, and domestic workers(nannies, maids and caretakers). Sad thing is, most even just get to work in lavish homes, and then return to their run down houses at the end of the day.

BTW, the school is for poor black kids. At least, all the pix I have seen of the students...majority are blacks and minorites (although they make up majority of the poulation)

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous

I live in Pretoria and I'm not a domestic worker.Where do you live?

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