Saturday, February 20, 2010

If you Were Offended by Kevin Hart's Joke You're an Idiot

So says Kevin anyway. After the uproar caused by his 'Broke Black Hoes' joke [click here if you missed that]  Kevin Hart directed his Twitter followers to a comment he made on another website. Wanna read it?

It's after the cut
posted by KeviHart

Fri, February 19, 2010 3:16 PM

2 all of you people that are helping make this a topic, I JUST WANT 2 SAY THANK YOU!!!! Who knew that joking around on twitter could cause such a media stir, Find something else 2 talk about and stop trying to force news!!!! It was a trending topic on twitter that I started where I made jokes about everyone including myself, I talk about white people, black people, mexican people, puerto rican people……… list goes on and on!!!!! You all sound like idiots by giving something so small so much attention!!!!! I think you all for once again for the free MEDIA……….What is the world coming 2………..jeeeez losen up PEOPLE!!!