Claudette tells She Is...
"The summer I was turning 17 Wyclef had a 4th of July BBQ at his house... there were a bunch of music industry people... I don't recall what exactly brought it on, but he blacked out on me at the BBQ... he got in my face & started yelling "You ain't sh*t, you ain't ever gonna be sh*t"... & Robbie is a big guy he was so close I could feel the spit hitting me in my face. At my age I was so intimidated by that... belittling me in front of all those important people. There was another time I was confronting him about a girl & he threw a brush at me... I ducked & the brush went through his bedroom door... that's how much force he used... If I hadn't ducked I probably wouldn't even be a alive today. I gathered my things & started to walk home... I lived about 2 miles from Robbie's house... & that wasn't uncommon for me do... there were plenty of nights we'd argue or he'd pass out & I would walk home... He came out the house yelling & started beating up his car. Broke the head light, started pounding on the hood... his mother came out & called me back... I felt like since it was his mother asking me to come back in the house I should... when I got inside we all sat down to talk & she was telling me things like I shouldn't add fuel the fire... basically making me feel like it was my fault."
Read the entire interview here