Thursday, July 09, 2009

She Totally Did It

When former Tennessee Titan Steve McNair was found dead along with his mistress on the 4th of July in his downtown Nashville condo, investigators stopped short of calling it a murder-suicide. They have now confirmed that his girlfriend, 20-year-old Sahel Kazemi, did kill them both. Sahel shot Steve four times while he was sleeping on the couch and then shot herself in the head. Sahel had been telling friends that she thought Steve was cheating on her, with someone other than his wife, and was stressed out over her roommate moving out, sticking her with the rent, plus she was struggling to pay two car notes. One of Sahel's co-workers said she told them she was going to "end it all." Meanwhile, Sahel's sister claims she told her family Steve would be leaving his wife and marrying her in the coming weeks. Sahel bought the murder weapon two days for the shooting and the worst part is, they say Steve's wife Mechelle [mother of his four young sons] had no idea he was having an affair until after his death.