Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kelis' Date Knight

Message boards have been awash with Kelis and baby Knight sightings around various parts of New York City. I was skeptical at first, you know, since the kid is less than 7 days old and all, but after Kells tweeted about taking her Knight in shining armor out for dinner and movie, I have to believe the sightings are true. Those who have seen baby Knight say he's a little carmel coated cutie. And speaking of cute: Kelis is so cute on her Twitter right now. After giving birth about a week ago, all she tweets about is baby Knight. She's so enamored with her little $55,000 a month man, she's even sent away that $3,500 baby nurse she asked for, insisting she doesn't want to share her 'little marshmallow' with anyone right now. Interested parties can follow Kelis' tweets @iamkelis.