Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jilted Bride Gets 6 Figure Kiss-Off

New Jersey Net Richard Jefferson called of his wedding to former Nets dancer Keshia Ni'Cole the night before the ceremony, by email, but don't feel too bad for Keshia because Rich says he gave her a six figure settlement to help her "get on with her life."
Richard [who has been dogged by gay rumors] and Keshia had spent the week before their wedding in LA at the wedding of a friend. On their way back to NY, Rich told Keshia he would meet her there, but instead hopped a flight to Paris with some pals and sent Keshia the email telling her the wedding was off.
In a statement to the press Richard explained himself saying, "It's so crazy, the divorce rate out there. If you aren't 100 percent certain about something, you shouldn't do it."