Friday, April 17, 2009

Jay Z's Cheap Ass Friends

Snitches told Page Six Atlantic Records executive Michael Kyser and Universal Music Group boss Shawn Costner made a big show of taking Jay Z out to a club then skipped out on the tab. The group ran up a bill of more than $1,500, after getting a third of the bill comped, then Kyser and Costner argued in front of Jay over which one of them would pay the bill. They agreed to split it, Jay tipped the waitress $500 and left. So, Jay wasn't there to see Costner's credit card get declined or Kyser fake agreeing to pick up the whole tab. What do I mean by 'fake-agreeing'? While Kyser's card did go through, he left the club without signing the credit slip, leaving his card behind. Then he disputed the charges to American Express.