Monday, April 06, 2009

From E. Badu's Twitter Page

fatbellybella ❤seven was just recognized to represent his school and state of texas at the junior national young leaders confrence to be held 2009 in DC!!

fatbellybella he was selected based on academic achievements and demonstration of leadership potential . 3000 and i are super proud ! (scream!!!)


Bloodshed said...

Feel sorry for the kid with this crazy woman as his mama.

Bee Gee said...

BITCH, momma don't get in da habit of postin' dat twitter bullshit on RWS too often, man. Bring Naomi, T-Howard, Ye, YoungBird...bring all they asses back, but please no daily twitterism. Love you

V. Loren said...

Seven always sounds like he's doing something good.

where's my stimulus? said...

...I had an internet date once show up looking like that.....

Bee Gee said...

Stim...I'm waitin' on da punchline, bruh. Don't leave a nigga hangin...

where's my stimulus? said...

...I had to go back in the car to get her picture and go back into the Starbucks to look for her behind...

...she said she just had chemo that's why she had the wig on...

I went from Shelia E to E. Badu...

Bee Gee said...

lmao... mah man.

Anonymous said...

she look like she crazy.

Anonymous said...

...the old "chemo card"

Anonymous said...

slow news day bitch? post the nekkid pics of prancer from ilove new york..i know you will post them w/ out censoring them so thanks

malika the m.i.l.f. said...

prancer? she looks like she's 12, even her new boobs.

Only1Nikki said...

She is actually pretty active in her kids life. She did an interview on TJMS once and she told him that she teaches some subject (outside of the basics) at Sevens private school.

its me snitches! said...

yeah, plus prancer got that phat booty..

i'll holla


Anonymous said...

Ya'll laughed at me when I said the next baby would be named Butey Kahl...but that's what happens when your momma is "Erykah By Who!"

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Yaaay Seven! I got kinda teary reading that. I have a smart lil boy too. Always makes me proud when he makes honor roll at school :)

DaShit said...

Go Seven!

I wonder if he is a clown like my son. Our program coordinator told us, "not to worry...a lot of the gifted boys seem to be a little goofy."

And I was alright with that...until none of the lil boys looked like my son. Oh my.

Anonymous said...

Prancer looks like she still has parties at Chucky Cheese or Show Biz.

Wild Safari said...

@Only1Nikki I'm sure it's astrology or mythology or something. Nah Erykah is smart, just out there. WAY out there. I usually love her afrowigs, but this one notsomuch. The glasses neither. It's nice to see parents proud of their children's achievements and encouraging their kids toward academic success.

Anonymous said...

Big Ups to Seven, always glad to hear of a African Fam raising their kids to not just show something but KNOW something, and that personnel teaching you Black parents need to get on it, those schools books still got all the same lies and his-stories in it with no corrections or apolyigizing. So teach your children knowledge of self so the self esteem level will be as high if not higher than any other race of people instead of the usual low willie lynch chip the system gives out. snitchessssss

Anonymous said...

do people really play that "chemo card"?

Anonymous said...

3:55 AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA HA! i swear i saw her ass at disneyworld last year i think she was a princess!

Only1Nikki said...

@WS I think you are right it was astrology.

Amanda said...

En se promenant dans Paris le soir, on peut voir comment la ville est remplie de lumières et de vie. L'atmosphère de ce lieu inspire les expériences et les nouvelles expériences. C'est de là qu'est venue l'idée d'essayer le Casino : le jeu est aussi imprévisible que Paris lui-même. Un peu de chance, la bonne humeur, et la soirée se transforme en une véritable aventure.

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