Monday, April 06, 2009

Erykah and Common

shared the stage again recently and Erykah mentioned on her Twitter Page that if felt...awkward. The pair dated from 2000 until 2002.


Bee Gee said...

Common problee still makes her pussy twitch cuz dat nigga was supposed to be baby-daddy #2 or #3. With her rollin' stone ass.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about that - Erykah B. and her ex - Common - being at the same venue:

Common is an UNcommon man - intelligent, sexy, talented and FINE AS HELL!

It can be awkward when you see an ex, especially if you had/have strong feelings for the person.

C Style said...

I got this girl named Eryka, who's pussy is sooo good that if you threw it up in the air it would turn into sunshine.

Anonymous said...

i told yall...anyway is is just me or is common getting too muscular i'm not really liking that

where's my stimulus? said...

...I don't care what y'all ex-playas say, we ALL have that ONE "sparks fly out the ass" x-girlfriend, whenever she shows up, we all sing "if I have one mo' drank"....

where's my stimulus? said...

..I wish she was around yesterday..

Chitown Babi said...

Damn Common's Body looks Right!

Only1Nikki said...

Gosh Common has some guns glad he didn't get trapped.

malika the m.i.l.f. said...

erykah said earlier on her twitter page that when she was with common she couldn't really tell him everything. it sucks when you got a good connection with someone but you really can't open up because you don't know what they'll say, or you know they'll say something negative and rain on your parade.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to ask if they were together before? She must have that stalker, restraining order p----!

malika the m.i.l.f. said...

wms, every dude i've ever kicked it with tried to get back into the ill nana after it was over with. yep, having good pussy is a gift and a curse.

where's my stimulus? said...

...thing is 'Lika couldn't the brutha call like at 3PM and NOT 3AM?!!!

Bee Gee said...

Malika... she couldn't tell him everything cuz dat nigga didn't wanna hear not bullshit about stars n' quazars. Shit is like this with Badu:

Badu: "Baby, we as gods n' earths need to realize that the planets have to align on exactly the 5th omega before we'll come into our true being. You feel me, brotha?"

Rap Nigga: "...Do I gotta pull out this time?"

Badu: "Nope" ((bed squeakin))

Common is too normal a nigga to be listenin' to all'at bullshit just to bust nuts. So he put her in da rear view.

Only1Nikki said...

Bee Gee actually Erykah broke up with him and he was heart broken. He was willing to do whatever she wanted that might have been why she lost interest. I said it before I think she has relationship A.D.D in which case she needs to stop spitting out kids.

malika the m.i.l.f. said...

beegee, you ain't right.

Anonymous said...

I was at the concert and you could see the chemistry. She wasn't thinking bout Jay Electronica (or whatever rapper she feeling now-a-days!) He wasn't thinking bout Serena (or whatever celebrity with thick hips he feeling now-a-days!) They kicked it backstage...well as much as you could. The console went down at the show and they spent hours getting it right. Anthony Hamilton was scheduled to go on at 10:00 pm but he performed at 1:00 am.

ELove said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ELove said...

Common didn't start being Buffed until he started wrestling with Some Real-AZZ...
That being Ms. Serena Williams (Trill)

@beegee and @WMS
I'm convinced that Ms. Badu got that Stay at Home Pussy!!! You know, you suppose to go to work OR you really need to make that business-meeting...

BUT You RATHER stay at home and constantly HIT-that-GOOD-AZZ Pussy (Oh Yes...)

Where YOU AT @blunt !!!

Anonymous said...

He better watch it, he may be baby daddy # 8 soon.

Bee Gee said...

ELove... and you aint even gotta pull out, mah nig. lol

Anonymous said...

They look so cozy on that stage...Common and Erykah betta watch out cause Serena look like she will kick both they asses at the same damn guns are bigger than his, that's probably why he been working out lately.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yeah i believe Erykah turned all her negroes out including Common. Cause he was on some backpack shit before Baddu then her pussy got a hold of him he was on some colorful wool knitted scarves, tight plaid pants, with a muscle shirt type shit

Anonymous said...

LOL at Bee Gee

Anonymous said...



quesha said...

whew...just gotta love a man that stays in shape.

DaShit said...

Imma stay outta this one.

A man even looks at me and im pregnant. Your cat will betray you.

Anonymous said...

Common better stand far away. That bitch get pregnant if you breathe on her too hard.

Wild Safari said...

LMAO!! Y'all nasty! Erykah looks goofy as hell in this picture. I'm thinking Erykah wasn't the only one with that good-good. Common has been buffing up so he can lift Serena's muscle-bound ass up in the air for that rough play. Erykah's looking googly-eyed just reminiscing about it.

"Twooooo fish (sperm) one swimmin' upstream.
One meets the egg,
damn I love the peen!"

Anonymous said...

A man even looks at me and im pregnant. Your cat will betray you.


V. Loren said...

Erykah reminds me of a hippie-they all had the weird hair, clothes, beliefs. In the movie 'Hair', Hippies "spread the seed" with any and everybody-and the Hippies don't even feel jilted after the breakup, they're okay with it.

Anonymous said...

bee gee you are on to something but what he didn't want to hear at the end of the convo was "i'm pregnant"

its me snitches! said...

when she first started out, she use to be skinny as hell...

now, she thicker than duck butter..



Anonymous said...

It was awkward because she didnt have 16 of his kids.

Anonymous said...

Don't touch her Common...she's fertile!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if she had dropped his kid, it wouldn't be so awkward. She wouldn't say that about her first babydaddy, Andre 3000.

Wild Safari said...

I'm imagining some things with that shiny bald head...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she put away her big hair for a change.

Anonymous said...

She know she wants him to be baby daddy #4.

DFY said...

@malika the m.i.l.f. said...
wms, every dude i've ever kicked it with tried to get back into the ill nana after it was over with. yep, having good pussy is a gift and a curse.

10:04 AM/
I heard that

I said it before I think she has relationship A.D.D in which case she needs to stop spitting out kids.

10:33 AM

Damn I didnt know it was a name 4 it hehehhhe.I'm going 2 have 2 use that 1 on all my A.D.D realtionship friends.

I dont know Yall.But isnt that suppose 2 b Serena Williams man now. Serena better look out because the look theyre giving each other.Remind me of that song called....I Wanna Fuuuuuuuck Yooooooou.LMAo.But the way Celebs break up nowadays they might not even b together now

Anonymous said...

common said in an interview years back that badu was the only woman he NEVER cheated on. he also said that she was the only woman he ever loved. awwww

Anonymous said...

"I Used to Love H.E.R."

.....He still does.

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