Friday, February 27, 2009

Who Knew

Tyresse was married? It doesn't matter now because his secret wife is filing for divorce. And according to Necole Bitchie, she's taking him to the cleaners. Tyrese met Norma Mitchell on a trip to London in 2002 and moved her to the States a year later. They married in 2007 shortly after their daughter was born. This would be after he kicked her ass while she was pregnant. Click here if you don't recall that incident. Anywho, Tyrese currently pays Norma $5,000 a month, plus rent on a $2700 apartment and nearly $800 a month for the lease on her Range Rover. However, Norma who claims her expenses far exceed the $5000 a month he gives her. In the divorce petition Norma says that one outfit for their daughter Shayla costs over $350 and Tyrese prefers that the baby doesn’t wear the same outfit twice. A pair of shoes costs at least $100 and she claims Tyrese does not like to see the baby in scuffed shoes so she has to purchased them frequently. She also spends over $300 on toys, over $1000 on the baby’s jewelry and over $250 on grooming supplies for Shayla a month. Norma also outlined expenses for traveling to Disneyland every other month, the aquarium three times a month, first class flights and expensive hotels since they are now accustomed to these things.
She is requesting that the court orders Tyrese to pay her at least $12,000 a month.
Click here to read the divorce petition if you want to. Me? I just took Necole's word for it.