Friday, February 27, 2009

Beyonce Says She Will Never Retire

Beyonce tells Ebony her and Jay-Z stay out of each other’s business dealings. “He was very successful before I met him and I was very successful before I met him. So we have so much respect for each other, and respect for each other artistically. We are very close friends, and I believe he is the ultimate artist and he has the same feelings for me.” Asked to describe herself as a wife: “I don’t know how to talk about it because I don’t like to talk about it. But I have a great example of a great wife, and that’s my mother. And I have great friends around me that have been married, so I’m lucky to have really good examples. And a great husband.” She says they are just like any other couple. She is learning to cook and he’s getting over his single-guy habits. One thing she does to get on his nerve: “I’m a little messy. Oh, yeah. Whenever I’m out in public, I have to be put together. When I get home, I rebel against it and I don’t want to take care of anything. I drop it. I’m relaxed. I don’t have any shoes on. No makeup. My purse is in the kitchen. I think that is most difficult thing for him. He’s very, very organized. I’m extremely organized when I’m working, and I work so much that when I get home I don’t want to think about anything.” As what Jay-Z does that get on her nerves: She laughs, “I won’t say.” Asked about a quote from years ago where she said she wanted to retire by age 21. She says she could have retired at that age but now she has no intention of ever retiring: “I’ve worked so hard on my craft, and I will never stop. I will never retire. I love it way too much.” Spotted at Entertainment Rundown