Chris Brown got dropped from the 'Got Milk' ad campaign. Rhianna canceled her upcoming 21rst birthday bash and a concert that was scheduled for this Thursday in Indonesia. Radio stations all around the country are pulling CB's records from their play lists. Rihanna is cooperating with the police regarding the assault and told the cops that Chris Brown threatened to kill her and choked her into unconsciousness and sources claim in the 911 call you can hear Rihanna screaming. Chris' pals are saying Rihanna started the fight because CB was getting texts from other chicks, even though they claim Chris and Rihanna had been broken up for weeks and were only together because their respective publicists thought it would be good publicity to be seen together at the Grammy parties. Rihanna's grandmother denied that Rihanna has a broken nose. In an old interview with Giant magazine, Chris Brown said his stepfather used to kick his mother's ass and that it scared him so bad that he used to pee on himself and in today's New York Post they claim Jay Z is fit to be tied and that that is Chris Brown's ass. Now until Chris's mug shot shows up or pictures of Rihanna's bruised up face surface that's all I have to say about this.