Thursday, January 15, 2009

Super Easy Super Juicy Blind Item

This bad boy is accused of kicking his non-singing unofficial girl's butt at a party in LA. They say Miss Skinny Mini was spending too much time talking to another producer causing her super jealous beau to snatch her up and drag her off. Since this was the first time Mr. Man had ever embarassed her in public like that and because Miss Thing Thing doesn't have a clue about her megalomaniac boyfriend's baby-mama beating past, she started screaming on him in the limo and even popped him one upside the head. What she do that for? They say dude went to town after that. To make up for it, and to keep her quiet, word is he sent her on a $20,000 shopping spree the next day. Wonder if that's what he got his baby mama when he broke her nose that time?