Monday, January 19, 2009

Man Claims Ben Vereen And His Daughter Scammed Him

Ben Vereen' s daughter's ex-fiance is suing Ben and his daughter, Malaika Vereen, for more than $10 million dollars in damages. The dude, who works for UPS, claims he gave Malaika a $30,000.00 engagement ring, spent $250,000 over two years courting her, and put $123,000 down on the house for her, which was co-signed by Ben Vereen. The dude broke the engagement after he found out Malaika was planning to use the house as a rental property and demanded the house be sold to recoup his 123 large. That's when he found out the only name on the deed was Ben Vereen's and he wasn't selling. The dude says Ben Vereen told him "my word is my word, we don't have to sign anything. He told me that everything would be okay. ... I tried reaching out to him ... he said it's out of his hands." The lawsuit demands Ben Vereen and his daughter return the ring, reimburse the money he put down on the house, and pay $5 million each in punitive damages.
Dude said, "Even if I don't get the money back, I can let people know who these people are - to beware. Love is blind, I guess."