Friday, October 24, 2008

Do People Still Say 'Hoe Sit Down'?

Cause if they do, I want to give a big 'hoe sit down' to Keifer Bonvillain. You may remember Keifer. He's the guy who tried to blackmail Oprah for 1.5 million dollars last year. Keif had some taped conversations of a Harpo employee who was talking smack about Oprah and he threatened to expose them unless Oprah coughed up the bucks. Well Oprah called the Fed and homeboy almost went to jail, except his case was dismissed provided he perform 50 hours of community service, undergo drug testing, attend school or work regularly and pay $3,000 in restitution to the FBI for the cost of its investigation. OK so get this, now Keith is suing Oprah. He claims, "There was substantial damage done to my name and reputation on a world level. The extent of my damages is vast."
Chip Babcock, a lawyer for Harpo Productions, denied the allegations in Bonvillain's suit. "And we know that this whole episode started when the plaintiff wiretapped a Harpo employee in California," he said. "We advised (Bonvillain) that we believe that wiretapping was illegal, and this case will give us an opportunity to determine whether we were right about that."
That's your ass now Keifer.