Friday, June 27, 2008

OJ Simpson Antagonizes Prosecutor

Note to OJ Simpson: Do not talk trash about the prosecutor before you go to trial...
OJ Simpson got on the radio while vacationing in Fargo, N.D., [I know!? Who the heck vactions in Fargo?] and said the only reason he's going on trial to face theft and kidnapping charges is because of a prosecutor with political aspirations. "If I was anybody else, I wouldn't be going to court. How many trials have you ever heard of where both of the victims say they don't want this guy to go to jail, they don't want to go to court, and you still go to court?" Simpson asked. "It's only me. But unfortunately for me," Simpson said, "I got like a bull's eye on my front, and a dollar sign on my back. You get involved with people who want to be governor and stuff."

Clark County District Attorney David Roger declined comment.