Friday, May 02, 2008

The Father of The Year Award

will not go to retired basketball star, Karl Malone. Karl has another offspring entering professional sports that he had nothing to do with while they were growing up. First there was his daughter Cheryl Ford. Cheryl plays for the WNBA and Karl had no relationship at all with her until she was already playing college ball and obviously on her way to a pro career. Now, another kid of Karl's just got drafted by the Buffalo Bills. Karl never met the guy until he was 18 and then told him it was too late for him to be his father and that he needed to earn his own money for college. Demetrius Bell, whose mother was 13 at the time of his birth, [Karl was a 19 year old sophomore in college, major ick factor] doesn't dwell in the past. He says, when asked if he is disappointed that Malone is not a part of his life, "I wouldn't say it's disappointing. All of that's behind me now. I feel good I made it this far. Nothing against him, but I feel good at this time. If he would've been there, yeah, it would've been good. But if not, it's even better. Everything's a plus right now."