Have you been wondering what Michael Vick has been doing? Besides push-ups in the yard, and buying protection with cigarettes, I mean. Your boy has been playing a little football in jail and washing dishes for 12 cents an hour. He's also been corresponding with Atlanta Falcon's owner Arthur Blank. "He talks about the process he is going through and what he has learned, the lessons of life, how he's going to come out a different person. He's sorry he has affected so many people in a negative way — the league, our club, our fans. He feels awful about that. The letters sound quite sincere to me. From a mental standpoint, he sounds good. I told Michael I'll do whatever I can to be helpful to him personally. Nothing to do with the Atlanta Falcons,” Blank said. "He's a human being and I would like to reach out and if I can be productive to him in some way, I would be happy to do that.