On Friday, after practicing with the Knicks in Greenburgh to promote his Jan.19 fight with Felix Trinidad at the Garden, Roy admitted he'd allowed the pit bulls he breeds on his property to fight. "I just let my dogs get down five, 10 minutes, 15 minutes. Maybe like the longest I let them go was a half-hour, but I never let them fight to the death 'cause I can't take that."
John Goodwin, the deputy manager of animal fighting issues for the Humane Society of the United States, said it is a felony under Florida law to allow dogs to fight on one's property. "If you put your dogs down there for 10, 15 minutes, that's a felony in Florida," Goodwin said. It is unclear when Jones last allowed his dogs to fight on his property, but by talking openly about the subject, he may have opened himself up to a criminal investigation, according to Goodwin. "If he's admitting that he's fighting his dogs, then they need to go down there with a search warrant and confiscate those dogs," Goodwin said.
Body Head Bangin ass is fixin to talk himself into a Federal Indictment. People we need to get educated!!!!Dayum
Some ppl are so stupid, he see when he's looking @ 24months..
dumb ass this is when "shut tha" need to meet "fuck up"?
I see this fool still thinks he's a rapper working on his album instead of trying to prepare for his fight. DUMB ASS.
Have you fools learned nothing from last year???? WTF??!!!
I see right now this fool needs a penpal. Anyone have the address for Mike Vick at his new domicile???
DUHR!! does he not know its open season on the black man(especially with money)!
11:11 AM
I see some people need to Get their facts straight. Roy Jones jr has been preparing for his upcoming fight against Felix Trinidad for the last 3 months.
Anyway I'm not surprised about this though. Roy has been into cockfighting ever since he was a kid. He used to raise his chicken on his farm and then let them fight. He stopped doing that in 2005 according to Roy himself after been criticized for several years.
I knew he had a lot of pitbulls too but I didn't know he let his dogs fight.
They won't need informants they will use his own words. I was on my lil cuzin's Myspace he has pix throwing signs and his man is flashing money & guns. How stupid are people?
The definition of "moron" if you asked me.
He didnt get enough street cred with his rapping.......*laughing*
Now that's just sad!
11:47 AM
"Jones also owns a cockfighting ring in Louisiana, where attendees bet on staged fights between roosters, according to the Humane Society. Louisiana is the last state to allow legal cockfighting."
Here we go again Dogfight this and dogfight that. Who cares if he likes dogfighting? Roy is a fucking boxing legend if he likes to fight his dogs every now and then then so be it. Do you Roy!!
@anon 12:45: ur just as ignorant as roy jones. why don't u go out and play in traffic. do u son. do u.
Roy is the man. Stop messing with the brotha.
I'm not understanding, is he making them fight or are they fighting on their own? He said he let's them fight not make them fight. So if you own dogs, they are not allowed to fight even if the dogs initiated it? So what about the gangs of dogs in the hood that are abandoned and are fighting each other? Nobody provokes them to fight & as far as I can see nobody prevents them from doing so.
You would think Roy Jones would be smart enough not to talk about that shit after Micheal Vick went to jail for it.
Hey anybody got Vick's address? I want to write to him....and I don't give a damn what you think Mike Vick is my man.....
Roy Jones and Vick are cool, aren't they? Maybe he just don't give a fugg.....Anyway, I don't know about him bragging about wanting to fight Mayweather...But I would pay to see that mess..
That is a fighter's mentality...they are all about who can whoop whose ass....Who's the baddest mf...A lot of boxers, wrestlers, etc. are into that mess, re: dogfighting, cockfighting, boxing, all that ish is related....smdh
Felonies are the new black.
There are alot of Mensa members on this website. Unless his property is in two states, the Feds wouldnt not get involved.
I mean c'mon Roy! How dumb can you be? Has he been living in a box these past couple of months? WTF? If he does go down, serves him right...LOL!
Bet he's thinking "ain't nobody gon be brave enough to try an' arrest me!"
Notice how he said he LETS them fight, like it's fun for them.
i'm tired of defending stupid black people. We all know what we up against so to say something so stupid is his problem not mine, my new years resolution is to take care of my own business. fuck stupid people.
stupid as hell. that is to be expected most boxers are not smart anyhow. street smarts but no brains or common senses. dumb ass hell.
I dont understand why people just dont shut up sometimes
What the hell?
Is he actually snitching on himself?
This is an perfect example of IGNORANCE at it best. How very sad.
I love me some Roy, as cocky as he may be. He's into that cock-fighting shy as well, though.
Like most athletes, Roy thinks he's invincible- that's why he's talking all this crap so openly.
This can't be true, please tell me this idiot didn't say that. Right on the heels of Vick. People, please, being black is starting to be embarrassing. Just like these idiots in Kenya. I mean we as a people have to take a look at our image.
roy jones sucked my mamas dick
Just lock this fool up right now. this idiot is too stupid to deserve freedom. smdh
he's been knocked upside the head one too many times...
God. He needs to be quiet fast, else he will be sharing a cell with Vick.
was he drunk for this interview???
He's been hit in the head so much, he can't think straight.
yall dumb.. MIKE VIKE went to jail for 24months cuz he was killn dogs..Jones is not goin to go to jail for lettin his dogs get down for a lil bit..if u got pit bulls and they not punks they go fight every now and den... they dogs.. N just like people they fight!..... he not lettn dem get hurt n die and shit.. so people chill out.. nothin is goin to happen to dis dude.. VICK was killn dogs he had BIG ass pits fo fightn dogs..and dead dogs all ova his land and shit.. and jones is not gettin money frm dis shit...VICK was makin bets and shit..gettin money N datz da only reason why u can get introuble cuz of they money bein made... DA low dont really care about dogs.. they care about that money...1
You would have to be the dumbest negro on EARTH to admit to that..........
Roy Jones got that fighting mentality his into cockfighting so I'm sure he has nothing against dogfighting. Roy is still a cool dude though.
7:01 PM
What a stupid comment. Only a selfhating mothafucka would say something like that. Take a look around the world and you'll see people of all races do and act crazy everyday.
Roy needs to calm down with comments like this right now. Everybody who has followed Roy's career knows that he loves cockfighting and has also talked about dogfighting several times. Back then the MEDIA didn't care about that whatsoever but after this whole Michael Vick situation you can't talk like this anymore to the media. Roy is just being Roy though but he should think about what he says nowadays.
Roy, I'm telling you this, b/c I got love for you.
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Behind the scenes with Jeezy, JD and Mickey Avalon
I got fam ready to home and than you got these dumbasses trying to kick the doors down to get in.
anonymous 8:40. who gives a flying f*** what other races are doing to eachother? the fact remains that blacks are on the bottom of the totem pole, worldwide.
Forget your token rich negroes like oprah and jay z.
Black folks in GENERAL have a way to go with illiteracy, the highest aids rates, a whole continent (Africa) that's committing genocide as we speak. shall i go on?
7:01 is a REALIST. what are you?
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