Your girl Fox Boogie might be [and that's a big MIGHT] one step closer to an early release...
Foxy met with the judge yesterday and explained that there's only one doctor that has treated her ear condition successfully and he's in California, but the Assistant District Attorney wasn't having it. The Assistant DA argued that that 'an inmate had no right to the doctor of their choice' and that, “The mere existence of a debilitating health condition does not merit a sentence reduction, even if it is a terminal illness" and that, "Basically, your honor, this is a desperate and frivolous petition.” Foxy told the judge that she has learned a lot from her sentence including “how to suppress her emotions and make better decisions." She also told the judge, "I have too much talent to throw it away. I know I will make you proud and my family proud”. “I'm glad you're learning some very hard lessons that needed to be learned,” Jackson replied. The judge will make her decision January on 31rst.