Monday, November 26, 2007

Oprah Takes Meeting with Abuse Victim's Family

That was quick. Less than one week after the family of abuse victim Aviwe Mncwabe took their story to the National Enquirer, they got a face to face with Oprah. We talked about it last week, remember? About how the girl was scared to go back to school and how she didn't get a cell phone and stuff. Anyway, Oprah flew to South Africa Sunday for the meeting. "The meeting went well. It took about two hours, and I appreciate that Oprah took time to listen," the girl's father told People magazine. The session with Oprah included him, his wife and their daughter. He said, "I am very happy and pleased that Oprah heard our side of the story. We have closure." Aviwe is back in school and her father said "I am so excited because we were invited to the end-of-year school party, which will be on Tuesday. The other pupils and families knew about the party, but we were never told. So it was a big surprise for us when Oprah asked us to join the party."