Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Remy To Testify Next Week

Remy Ma’s pretrial hearing will take place early next week. Charged with first-degree assault, criminal possession of a weapon, and tampering with a witness, she has denied all charges. If convicted, she faces up to 25 years in jail. Details about the shooting were recently revealed by The Village Voice. The newsweekly claims the bullet that went through Remy's alleged victim, Makeda Barnes-Joseph, ‘damaged her intestines and exited through her buttocks’. Makeda has undergone three surgeries and has refused to talk about the incident.


Anonymous said...

does that means she has 2 dookie holes...

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot ... 1rst

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to really cussing somebody out?

Anonymous said...

Wow...A picture of Remy Ma where she doesn't look busted up.

Photo Retouching is a helluva drug...

Anonymous said...



Nico aka WTFever said...

I cant even front...that's a nice ass rack!

Anonymous said...

Anybody else wearing that outfit, fake hair and eyes would be labeled a HAM but, in Remy's case this is an improvement.

If she is responsible for damaging that woman's intestines, she needs to go to jail for a while.

Anonymous said...

How can a bullet go through someone's intestines and butt? That's ridiculous. I predict that the charges will be thrown out or she will be acquitted.

Anonymous said...

the bootleg lil Kim looks nice for a change.

Anonymous said...

Remy is one funny looking chick!

BronxStateOfMind said...

I hope Makeda doesnt smell like dookie and hot gun powder all the time.

Remy better make sure if they send her ass up to not leave her weave in.

Anonymous said...

^^^Hey Bronx (big smile)

Ok people what is up with all the black female rappers catching cases going to jail? Lil Kim, Foxy, Brat. Now Remy is going down as well. I wander what Eve is doing , hmmmmm......

Anonymous said...

'shoot hot fire out ya ass'

Anonymous said...

HAHAAAA! yall are crazy! lol

1:51 abdomen,intestines,buttocks, all same area! ANATOMY!!

well i guess i would shut my holey ass up too if bitch tried to take me the f*ck out!

Remy look better cause she ditched the PePe La Pew look!! and been to a real salon not Bonquishanique's kitchen!!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah Bonquishanique and Em' proly aint f*cking with her since she shot they home gurl!

Anonymous said...

Send that bum bitch to Bedford Hills on the next thing smoking so Nico & Bx can go chek her & take packages like the groupies they are. Ayo Bx the bus leaves from 161st clown.

Nico aka WTFever said...

^^lol@ 4:27 not a groupie yo...but like I said I can't front on some nice titties. I dont have to like the bitch to fuck her, and yeah she do look a little bit like Scobby Doo and have that synthetic weave overload thing going on, but hey the titties are easy on the eyes!

Hell, I fucked plenty of ho's that annoyed the hell outta me but I stuck around until after I got the ass! Plus its always fun to fuck a chick that after you nut you can say to her "bitch get da fuck out my house" and she blows you a kiss and say to you "alright baby no prob, see you later. Call me. Love you"

Anonymous said...

Does the 'no snitching' rule apply here?

Anonymous said...

for real, those mammaries be lookin' nice in this shot. hope they don't droop too low.

fuck, i'm bored

Anonymous said...

i'm still on the fence about this one! it seems to be a cut and dry case, but then again it doesnt! either way, the "victim" looks like she's had it coming for a while! (she looks shiesty as hell! lol!)

Anonymous said...

@ supersweetcupcake-

i''m sorry but lil kim WISHES she had remy's talent! kim cant rap! she definatley cant freestyle, remy can do both! i'm no remy stan at all, but the girl got talent!!

Anonymous said...

the only reason that girl ain't talkin is because her friend Crystale is about to get signed behind this shit! and she prolly gon get a cut! trust! the managers talked about it and it came down to a million and her friend gettin on! yall know muffukas are about money!!!!!! watch!

Anonymous said...

,,with all that weave and contacts and boosted up tits,,she still got a WORRIED LOOK in her eyes
,,,gangsta boo's dont get worried they just do they time

Anonymous said...

her career is over anyway

Anonymous said...




halile said...

Sounds like a permanent case of hemmoriods for ole girl

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with my people. all these athletes and stars making all this money and dont know how to act. i understand that they are human to but the more you have to lose the more thought you should put into your decision making. why would you wanna put yourself in that position. take the opportunity you have and do something with it otherwise, move out the way and let some positive people get thru

Anonymous said...

the truth!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Remy my advice to you is get on the stand & blame it on a mystery white male like when white mothers kill their own children.

Anonymous said...

Latley I've noticed that black women who wear weave and light eyes look scary, weird, and out of place. Not all. But most like Remy ma. What are you beautiful black women trying to hide under that wig?

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

What up Six? Ain't holla'd in a minute? Just poppin' in to say hey. So... HEY!

Anonymous said...

@11:18PM,,,,hmm maybe damaged hair from years of processing,,thats just a guess,,,or maybe some natural braids that need to be re-done but just did not have the time to get them re-done,,,whatever it is,,,its hair and scalp up under there,,,no horns or nuffin like that

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ ^^^ Hair is hair like you said. There is no good or bad hair. Just over processed hair. Locs are are sexy. Natty locs are even sexier (hint Marley brothers)

Anonymous said...

Remy didn't do was another tacky hoodrat

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