Friday, November 09, 2007

Give Jermaine Some Props

Jermaine Dupri tells Vibe magazine, "I'm programmed to think nobody in the music industry likes me. I believe that when you're as good as me - and I don't say that to be cocky - you never get your props. That's why I identify with 50 Cent. "50 has sold (too many) records for people to be acting the way they're acting. Niggas just want him to fall off. It's like, 'He made his money... Fuck 50.' I get treated the same way."


2thick4u said...

This is so true!!!
Get your paper JD!!
Holla at your GIRL!!

Anonymous said...

,,there are some haters that will hate any way BUT BUT BUT,,,,LOTS of people wanting you to fall off is because,,,, you're COCKY!!!
Get it?

Anonymous said...

Dude is talented. Nothin but heat and that's how we do each other. The plan worked.

Unknown said...

Ummm, didn't he produced Janet's last album? That was the wackest shit of the freakin year!

Anonymous said...

50's personality and attitude is rude abrasive and ignorant! he doesnt seem to be as bad as 50 so why would he relate! he has to look at why 50 is hated on! cause he is known to come out his face wrong at people and Jermaine is not!

Anonymous said...

I like JP he makes good music. He keeps Janet happy and you don't hear too much negativity going on around them.

Nico aka WTFever said...

Suck it up nigga! All celebrities have to deal with that shit. People build you up just so they can break you down..that's common knowledge.

I hate a rich whiny-ass celebrity! Gollum lookin muthafucka!

Anonymous said...

JP is not easy on the eye. but he makes good music and seems like a lucky little charm.. Can I pick him up put him in my pocket and keep his tiny ass? There was a picture recently with him sitting next to Camel and i swear looks like his feet were hanging off the floor. he seem like fun.

Anonymous said...

JD fuk music industry NObody in ur own fam likes u

BronxStateOfMind said...

Assholes always talk shit.

halile said...

Assholes and men with the short men symdrome always talk too much!!!!!
Why do short men always talk big boy talk!!!!
They make me sick, go get a reality show with Midget Mack fool!!!!!

halile said...

Assholes and men with the short men symdrome always talk too much!!!!!
Why do short men always talk big boy talk!!!!
They make me sick, go get a reality show with Midget Mack fool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

True words.

Anonymous said...

11:54 true. Fiddy's attitude is shitty. Jermaine could have identified with Hove instead. Didn't they have that one song together? I liked that song.

Anonymous said...

People want 50 to fall off because he sells many records. They want you to fall off because you're irrelevant. Big difference.

Anonymous said...

this cat is a clown man!

Anonymous said...

When you become famous (being popular with the audience), be humble. Be happy with your biggest accomplishments, and smalls achievments. When you feel you've done it all, help someone else. That is the best way to say "thank you and your welcome".

Anonymous said...

jus get ur bread jd & stfu clown he wifes up jj afta she's washed up hahaha

DANA said...

when a mofo is making as much moneyy as JD why would i give a fuck if he's getting "hated" on??? so the fuck what! i bet he feels real appreciated when he goes to the bank! GTFOH!

Anonymous said...

I like JD. Although i must say, Janets comeback album sucked. All he had to do was give in and follow her old pattern of putting on one house hit, for the clubs.

House/Club hits have a simple formula:

simple repetitive lyrics over a hot beat.

dolores said...

there goes that 'N' word again when will you learn the only way to get rid of ugly racial terms is NOT to use them yourself!!!where is al sharpton? why is no one jumping up and down and calling a lawyer to sue!

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