Wednesday, October 24, 2007

OJ Defendants Plead Guilty

Two co-defendants pleaded guilty yesterday to reduced charges in the O.J. Simpson armed-robbery case...
The two, Walter Alexander and Charles Cashmore, agreed to testify against Simpson and three others in the alleged hotel-room theft of sports collectibles from two memorabilia dealers. Clark County District Attorney David Roger agreed to drop charges of kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy against both men. They remained free pending sentencing. Simpson lawyer Gabriel Grasso said there have been no discussions with Roger on any plea deal for Simpson. He and and co-defendants Clarence Stewart, Michael McClinton and Charles Ehrlich remain charged with nine felonies and one gross-misdemeanor charge of kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy. The kidnapping conviction alone could result in a sentence of life in prison with parole. Simpson faces an additional felony charge of coercion.