Monday, August 20, 2007

Reality TV Star Tiffany "New York" Pollard Accused of Being Racist

Slow news day people. Bare with me. I have a really high trash meter but since I didn't have nothing to post all weekend, Miss New York makes the cut. Anyway, girlfriend went to dinner at some resturant in New York city this past weekend and her waitress accused her of being racist and a rude, nasty, pig. The waitress said, "I went to her table and told her I think she's so cute and funny. Then I went to shake her hand and she looked me up and down, laughed at me and said she had a cold. But immediately after, she shook the hand of another waitress, who is black." The waitress also said that New York refused to be served by them, because she said that someone always tries to drug her drinks when she's not looking, so New York would send her bodyguard to get her drinks. I know, so what, right? The first person who posts "Next!" is gonna get it!