Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Terrence Howard Denies Naomi Campbell Dating Rumors

Did you hear that Terrence Howard and Naomi Campbell were dating? Not true. What's up with all the fake couple rumors lately? Anyway, Terrence says he and Nay Nay ain't dating. He's only escorting her around as a favor to Quincy Jones. One human to another. His words not mine...

“Quincy Jones did ask me to look after her [Naomi] and to talk to her. The same way Mr. Richard Parsons [Chairman and Chief Executive Officer] called me into his office and said, ‘Mr. Howard, I don’t know anything about your personal life, but your public persona is on par with Sen. Barack and so I want you to talk to Quincy. And so I called Quincy and Quincy had dinner with me and introduced me to Naomi, and that’s what I’m doing. As a human being, as a friend, that’s what we’re supposed to do."