Puff and Kim been tearing a hot swath through Italy
and France, partying in St. Tropez one week and Rome the
next, shopping all the way. So much, it seems, Puff
had to charter a plane just to carry the extra luggage!
The luggage carrier cost a mere $16,200.00.
Hold up!
Don't clutch the pearls just yet.
It ain't as wasteful as it seems.
You know its all tax deductable!
So was the yacht they rented for $250,000.00.
They had a party one night but stayed on it for a week,
even though they were asked to leave the harbor in
St. Tropez because they were throwing too much trash over the side!
And so what Puff did an interview with James Blunt and asked
him to hook him up with some beautiful British girls.
Kim the one on the yacht!