Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Russell Simmons and Kimora Call Off Divorce?

Russell say, it ain't over, yet. He says he and Kim might stay married.


Russ said, on the day of the split annoucment, he and Kim took their kids, Ming and Aoki, to the movies together.


He also said he hates how the press makes him and Kim look unfaithful, because unfaithfulness implys deceit, and he says Kim knew all about his new girlfriend, Denise. He also said it would be good if Kim got a man, as long as he was good to her and loved his daughters.


Then he said the other day all four of them woke up in bed together, which Russ says is very normal for them.
Not Russell, Denise, Kim and Stephon, dummy!
Russell, Kim, Ming and Aoki!