Monday, May 04, 2015

Damon Dash Goes All the Way In

Over the weekend Damon Dash answered all your questions regarding his messy child support and custody issues…

Dame lays it all out in a series of Instagram posts

How could the mother of this child put his dad in jail for money...she actually went to a judge and asked him to put me in jail over extorting me right after I gave her 128 grand for a house that I didn't have to...what is the human intent in can I make money that we all know that I give all to my family in jail?...and then pay another dude to do that would go into your child's mouth...why would a mom rob her son of a father and her sons money and his ability to make money... Does that add up... Look what can happen to a good dude...a good father...a good friend... Look who hurts the good guy the is funny...please learn from my experience but all dads keep fighting to raise your kids...they need you and it's worth it...good job Cindy @_pgtv @cleanliness watch how a man raises his kids #royals how can I be a dad in jail
A video posted by @duskopoppington on

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Last year I was able to to take my baby to her first coachella and it was going to be our tradition...I couldn't be that dad this year and we broke our tradition because somebody wanted to get a fake order of protection against me against my kids all because she was spending the companies money on her personal bills and wasent paying the court ordered child support payments directly from the company without me and she new I was going to have to sue her about it...using the kids to leverage me will never work and it's tacky but I'll take you next year I I promise love you Ava I'm sorry hopefully I'll get my court ordered supervised visitation on my birthday tomorrow and still #InvestInWomen I'll always have faith in good woman...unless you have to fight my fight try not to could never understand but do the math...everybody knows I take care of my kids...I'd be a walking contradiction of a man...never that #prouddad
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