Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Janice Dickinson Accuses Bill Cosby of Rape

In a shocking turn of events former supermodel Janice Dickinson comes forward claiming she was raped by Bill Cosby…

Last night Janice Dickenson told Entertainment Tonight's Kevin Frazier that she was raped by Bill Cosby in 1982 after she went to his hotel room to discuss an audition for The Cosby Show.

Janice tells Kevin Bill Cosby gave her a pill and a glass of wine and,
"The next morning I woke up, and I wasn't wearing my pajamas, and I remember before I passed out that I had been sexually assaulted by this man," she tells ET. "... Before I woke up in the morning, the last thing I remember was Bill Cosby in a patchwork robe, dropping his robe and getting on top of me. And I remember a lot of pain. The next morning I remember waking up with my pajamas off and there was semen in between my legs."
Janice is the third woman to come forward in recent weeks claiming they were raped by Bill Cosby bringing to total number of women to 15.

Go here for the full interview.