Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dawn Says Editing Makes Kelly Look Bad

Kelly Price has emerged as the 'Nicci Gilbert' of R&B Divas LA but fellow diva Dawn Robinson says it all comes down to editing...

Dawn tells 4UMF
“See, this is the thing; this is what’s hard. When you show a bunch a stuff, and you have all this footage, and then they just break it down to certain parts of it, and then they omit certain things that you did say, but they don’t put that part in there because they want you to look a certain way. So this is why I was telling her, ‘Kelly, whatever we do, don’t react to people in an angry way, because they’re going to film that, and that’s what they’re gong to show. They want to show us fighting against each other, they want to show anger, the angry Black woman, and you’re so much better than that. Please hold your peace as much as you can, and don’t let these people take you off your greatness. You are a queen – we don’t go there, don’t do it.’”
“I’ve just been praying with Kelly because her heart is broken over what she’s sees of herself [on the show]. You build up a career to a certain point, you fought and battled through that career to be heard and seen. People talked about her weight and all the different things, and now to have a reality show tear you down? Uh uh, no, uh uh, no way! I’ll be damned. Because these people go on to get different jobs, when we have only one career. I always tell people that all the time. You guys can get six other women in our place; each season, a new group of six women. We only have one career. I only have one Dawn Robinson, and I’ll be damned if somebody’s going to come in and take it all because of some reality show. That is not what I signed up for! I signed up for positivity .”