Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mr. Marcus Comes Clean

Earlier this month porn star Mr. Marcus was sentenced to 30 days in jail for knowingly infecting a sex partner with an STD and setting off a huge syphilis scare in the porn industry [click here if you missed that].

In the first interview since his conviction Mr. Marcus claims he didn't intentionally infect anyone because thought it was only a skin rash...

Mr. Marcus tells Baller Alert
"I did not go out there and try to f***ing intentionally get anybody infected. From my heart man, up to God, I thought it was something that was just a skin rash. I went out and bought some damn Carmex lotion (it's an everyday hydrating lotion), I put it on [my penis] and I thought it made it look better. That coupled with things going on with my hands, little brown spots or whatever, I looked things up on the internet and I'm telling you, only thing that came up was a vitamin deficiency and that I need more vitamins. I went out and bought vitamins and Carmex."
"Syphilis is called the great imitator it supposedly looks like other diseases, problems, symptoms and it's never related to just a std. 20 years in this business and only STD's I was aware of is gonorrhea and chlamydia."
"You gotta understand that when I worked with that girl I had a FRESH test. NOTHING came back saying, hey you need to go to the doctor, get a checkup, a shot, not a single damn thing. I used the lotion and it made it look better."